The Young and the Restless Daily Recaps: Everything that happened on Y&R in 1999

The Young and the Restless summaries from 1999
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January 4 to 8, 1999
Tony and Megan got closer; Megan even wore his leather jacket. Grace went to visit Alice and Al. Paul told Lynne that his father was alive. Mary wanted to set a wedding date. Cole disappointed Victoria when he told her that he was going to Paris to find Ashley. Malcolm went to Detroit to see Trey. Brooke Logan arrived in Genoa City to see Victor, and she stripped down to her underwear for him.
January 11 to 15, 1999
Carl broke into Mary's house and began to remember things. Jack was angry that Victor had made the deal with Forrester over his and Brad's objections. Megan let her jealousy and insecurity show. Al and Grace played cat and mouse. Nick wanted Victor to transfer Grace to some other city. Ryan met Phillip's soccer coach and showed jealousy. Malcolm lay near death in a forest somewhere.
January 18 to 22, 1999
Jill and Katherine continued to bicker over the house. Phyllis went to Victor with things that she knew about Jack and Brad. Victoria was ready to move in with Neil, but he was hesitant. Jill hired her own maid -- the "maid from hell," as she put it. Olivia blamed Callie for Malcolm's injuries.
January 25 to 29, 1999
Jill made John an interesting offer. Ruth arranged to show up at Gina's with Carl while Mary was there. Megan threw Tony a welcome home party. Cole and Ashley reunited in Madrid. Olivia distanced herself from Malcolm.
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February 1 to 5, 1999
Nick decided to give up on his marriage and leave town. Brad and Jack attempted to access Victor's secret and private computer records. Phyllis watched and listened to Michael, Jack, and Brad as they plotted the takeover. When she went to tell Victor, he wouldn't let her get a word in edgewise before he threw her out of the office. Carl blasted Ruth for arranging the meeting between him and Mary.
February 8 to 12, 1999
Trey showed up in Malcolm's hospital room; he tore up Callie's contract to prove that he'd had nothing to do with the beating. Later, Trey revealed that he and Callie had been married. Victoria said she was ready to move in with Neil, but Neil wasn't ready. Tony told Nick that Sharon was worried that she might lose Cassie. Ashley asked Brad to send her all of her stock. Phyllis made plays for both Jack and Michael.
February 15 to 19, 1999
Esther thought that Katherine had started drinking again. Victor and Nikki left on their romantic getaway. Nick interrupted the board meeting just as Jack and Brad asked to be appointed permanent CEOs. Carl told Mary that he had changed so much that he was no longer the man she had married. Victoria left Genoa City for Spain. Nick moved back in with Sharon, but he slept on the couch. Olivia told Malcolm that they should separate for a while. Phyllis left Genoa City.
February 22 to 26, 1999
Victoria was curious about the relationship between Rafael and Ashley. Jack gave Diane her engagement ring back. Jack and Brad were appointed the new CEOs of the company. Alice learned where Sharon was, and she showed up on Sharon's doorstep, wanting her child. Esther called the police about Katherine's disappearance. Megan couldn't go through with having sex with Tony, and Tricia thought that Tony had forced himself on Megan.
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MARCH 1999
March 1 to 5, 1999
Malcolm and Olivia made love. Jack and Brad worked overtime to get the rest of the stockholders' support. Traci had John's proxy but hesitated to vote her own shares. Sharon told Cassie that Alice was back and that Alice wanted Cassie back. Cassie was afraid she would lose the only real family she had ever known. Victoria used Ashley's time away from Madrid to get under Cole's skin. Katherine wandered the cold streets of Genoa City.
March 8 to 12, 1999
Al was overjoyed to learn that Cassie was with the rich Newmans of Genoa City. Later, Alice went to the ranch to see Sharon. Jill encouraged Esther to file a missing persons report on Katherine. Katherine and Birdie got acquainted. Sharon explained to Cassie what was going on. Alice forced Millie to sign her Social Security checks over to Alice. A young girl named Mac rescued Katherine from a mugger. Victor seemed to have fallen off the face of the earth.
March 15 to 19, 1999
Traci signed the documents supporting Jack and Brad's takeover of Newman, and they were able to get all the other minority stockholders to do the same, but they still needed Diane and Ashley's support to seal the deal. Cassie begged Sharon not to let Alice take her away, but Millie could not be found to testify against Alice. Jill filed a missing persons report on Katherine. Carl visited with Mary, but he still had no memories of her, and Charlie was unable to jog his memory, either. Carl and Charlie fought over Mary. Mac took Katherine to a homeless shelter. Nick discovered that Victor had taken a small plane from the island to Genoa City, but Victor had never arrived.
March 22 to 26, 1999
Cassie had nightmares about Alice. Nick and Sharon moved their family back home. As soon as Michael learned that Christine was representing Sharon, he decided that he would take Alice's case. Nikki and Brad had a confrontation regarding the takeover. Nikki had some harsh words for Brad and a surprised Ashley. Tricia allowed Megan to use her apartment so Megan could prepare dinner for Tony. Just as Tony and Megan were getting it on, Nina popped in. Katherine and Mac became friends. Victor's plane had gone down over a New Mexico desert. The pilot had been killed, but an injured Victor dragged himself through the desert. Victoria left a plane ticket to Genoa City on Rafael's table.
March 29 to April 2, 1999
Malcolm tried to mend fences with Olivia. Ashley finally confronted Jack about the takeover. Nikki was surprised to hear Katherine's voice on her answering machine. Despite the fact that Katherine had asked her not to tell anyone, Nikki ran to Esther with the news. Cassie's custody hearing began.
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APRIL 1999
April 5 to 9, 1999
Alice announced to the court that she and Al were married, but Christine painted Alice as an inattentive mother. Neil and Ryan had words about the takeover. Olivia wanted to give her marriage another chance, but Neil wondered how her new position at the hospital would affect the situation. In New Mexico, Chet learned who Victor really was.
April 12 to 16, 1999
While trying to put her marriage back together, Olivia told a lie. Chet wanted to keep Victor from returning to Genoa City. Paul and Carl said an emotional goodbye. Cole wondered why Rafael had parted with "La Senora." Cassie had a visit from the social worker. Megan suffered from a hangover.
April 19 to 23, 1999
Alice sent Al on his way. The social worker interviewed Grace. Cassie had a visit with Alice, and she begged Sharon to stay with her. Mamie returned to the Abbott household. Ryan was fired. Olivia admitted that she had lied to Malcolm.
April 26 to 30, 1999
Al made Nick an offer he hoped Nick couldn't resist. Jack and Brad debated hiring Ryan again. Diane had some architectural plans of her own when she interrupted the meeting between Ashley, Cole, and their architect. Victor and Ramona got closer. Tony and Megan were arrested.
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MAY 1999
May 3 to 7, 1999
Katherine promised Mac that she would accompany Mac the next time Mac tried to see her grandmother. Malcolm moved out of his and Olivia's apartment, and Olivia went to Neil for solace. Victor tried to persuade Ramona to set him free. Tony declared his innocence, and Tricia arrived to help get Megan out of jail. Nikki gave up waiting for Victor to return to the island, and she went home to Genoa City alone. She discovered the Newman takeover plot. While a social worker interviewed Alice, her boyfriend, Al, tried to extort money from Sharon in exchange for information about Millie's whereabouts. Victor escaped, but Chet caught him before he could send an email to Nick.
May 10 to 14, 1999
Nick joined a search party, and they flew over the New Mexico desert, looking for Victor. Victor shot a flare into the air to signal the plane, but the plane was low on fuel, and the search party turned back before they saw the flare. While comforting Olivia, Neil ended up in passionate kisses with her. Neil broke it off, but he let Olivia spend the night while he slept on the couch. Malcolm found Olivia asleep in Neil's bed the next morning, and he assumed the worst. Rafael admitted to Cole the truth about his connection with Ashley and the forged painting. Nick and Ramona met by chance at a diner; afterward, a guilty Ramona anonymously called Victoria to assure her that Victor was alive and well. After Nick paid off Al for Millie's location, Al was arrested for extortion.
May 17 to 21, 1999
Paul and Nick accompanied the police to the location Al had given them, and they found evidence that Millie had been there, but she was gone. After Megan was released, she tried to bail out Tony, but he rejected her for her "own good." Ashley confronted Jack about the bogus contract he had used as evidence against Victor to take over Newman. Brett asked Nina to move in together. Katherine arranged financial help for the shelter and food donations for the food pantry. Jill discovered Katherine's contact information,, and she arrived at the shelter, looking for Katherine. Tricia caught Ryan and Victoria leaving a hotel together and kissing goodbye, and she assumed they were having an affair.
May 24 to 28, 1999
After Victor admitted his undying love for Nikki, Ramona softened and gave him the code. Victor escaped, but Chet caught him and tied him to a chair. Mac told Katherine that she had tried to visit her grandmother, Katherine Chancellor, but Jill and Esther had again turned her away. Katherine was shocked to realize that Mac thought Katherine was her grandmother. Katherine got Mac to explain how her parents had met, and she realized that Mac's father was her son, Brock. Ramona destroyed the destructive virus that Chet had intended to unleash on the world from Chet's computer. Tricia realized that she might be pregnant. Grace bailed out Tony, who Megan later caught getting out of Grace's shower, clad only in a towel. Chet set Victor free and hunted him like an animal for sport. Chet and Victor fought, and Chet fell off a cliff to his death.
May 31 to June 4, 1999
Genoa City residents reminisced about their deceased loved ones on Memorial Day. The Newmans enjoyed a pool party and dreaded the result of Cassie's custody trial the following day. Mac left the shelter for good while Katherine was out, so they weren't able to say goodbye. At the custody hearing, the attorney who had handled Cassie's original adoption testified that she believed that Alice was a horrible mother. Grace testified that she had found Cassie living alone with Millie and that Cassie had been healthy, but she had also been friendless and unhappy. Victor and Ramona made it to a clinic, where they got help.
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JUNE 1999
June 7 to 11, 1999
After her testimony, Grace slapped Michael when he tried to explain his cross-examination. Victoria was reunited with Victor in New Mexico. Jill inadvertently let the cat out of the bag about Jack's plans for Jabot to Brad, and Brad didn't like them. Nikki and Brad went on a date, and Cole saw them. Back at the ranch, Nikki and Brad shared a romantic dance. Tricia thought that she was pregnant. Neil accused Callie of breaking up Malcolm's marriage. Grace tried to get Tony and Megan back together.
June 14 to 18, 1999
Victor and Nikki were reunited. There was a new board meeting, where Victor made a surprise appearance. The board voted for a new CEO. Christine learned that she was not pregnant. Callie and Malcolm had a night of lovemaking. Brett wanted to move in with Nina.
June 21 to 25, 1999
Victor threw a royal hissy fit in Jack's office, and he destroyed the newly hung portrait. Victoria tried to convince Nikki to stay away from Brad. Victor held a press conference and was surprised to see Leanna Love there. Leanna practically ran the press conference. Billy paid a surprise visit to Jill. Katherine announced to Mac that she was Katherine Chancellor, and she was Mac's grandmother.
June 28 to July 2, 1999
Tricia discovered that she was pregnant and told Ryan, who was not happy about it. Nick and Sharon made love and declared that nothing would ever separate them again. The missing Katherine showed up at Nikki's door. Katherine asked Mac to live with her at the Chancellor estate, but Mac was afraid of Jill. Tricia confided in Megan that she had intentionally gotten pregnant to hold on to Ryan. Katherine arrived home and shocked Jill. Sharon testified that Cassie did not like Alice, and Michael accused Sharon and Nick of brainwashing Cassie and spoiling her with luxuries. Victor romanced Nikki, but Leanna Love's broadcast declaring that Ramona was Victor's latest lover spoiled their evening. Christine grilled Alice on the stand.
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JULY 1999
July 5 to 9, 1999
Katherine celebrated the Fourth of July by having a barbecue at the shelter for the homeless. Nikki confronted Leanna about her broadcast, then she left town to visit Casey. Alice went to see Millie, and Paul's operative followed her. After Alice left, Nick showed up and convinced Millie to accompany him back to Genoa City to testify. Tricia's doctor confirmed her pregnancy. Katherine assured Mac that Mac would be happy living at the Chancellor estate, and she convinced Birdie to live with them, too. Millie and Cassie reunited, and Millie testified the next day that she was the one who had taken care of Cassie and that Alice had rarely had a job or been home. Millie begged Alice to give up Cassie for the child's sake.
July 12 to 16, 1999
Sharon went to see Alice and begged her to think about what was best for Cassie. Cassie talked the social worker into taking her to court. Once there, Cassie talked the judge into letting her speak. Malcolm signed a new lease and asked Callie to move in with him. Olivia wanted Malcolm to return home, but he said it was too late. Tricia was disappointed in Ryan's attitude toward her pregnancy. Katherine talked to Jill about Jill's drinking problem. Leanna showed up at the ranch and dropped a bombshell on Victoria. Nikki went to New Mexico to see Ramona.
July 19 to 23, 1999
Nikki continued to see Brad, even though Victoria had warned her to stop playing around. Victor learned that Jill had caused the quorum at the board meeting that had allowed Jack and Brad to pass the "golden parachute" deal. Victor and Victoria ganged up on Jill and accused her of being an Abbott spy. Keith returned unexpectedly and got the news of Tricia's pending motherhood. Victor met with Diane and learned something interesting. Nick and Sharon won custody of Cassie. Christine nearly collapsed at the end of the hearing; Paul was worried about her. Callie and Olivia had a heated discussion about Malcolm.
July 26 to 30, 1999
Billy returned to Genoa City. Christine and Paul told Mary that Christine wasn't pregnant. Tony received his summons to court. Victor gave Ryan a new job at Newman Enterprises. Diane gave back her engagement ring. Nikki and Brad met for dinner. There was a special family celebration for Cassie. Jack made Victor an offer.
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August 2 to 6, 1999
Nikki daydreamed about her kiss with Brad. Victor betrayed Jack to Brad then made Jack a counteroffer. Jack finally confessed his plan to Ashley. Mac got a job. Jill continued to drink, while Billy got drunk at a keg party. Tony tried to get the charges against Megan dropped. Katherine told Jill that Mac was Katherine's granddaughter.
August 9 to 13, 1999
Jack had to make a decision about Jabot and Brash & Sassy. Jack, Cole, and Ashley had a confrontation. Later, Cole went to Gina's and ran into Victoria. Victor and Nikki argued about Brad. Cassie learned that Crimson Lights would be closing soon. Jill found out that Billy was in the hospital due to a car accident. Katherine couldn't get Brock off her mind. The district attorney dropped the charges against Tony and Megan. Victor became angry that his children and his wife acted as if he didn't know how to run his business.
August 16 to 20, 1999
Katherine learned that Mac had been in an accident. Mamie and Olivia had a heart-to-heart talk. Callie and Malcolm had an argument, and Callie thought that Malcolm didn't want her anymore; she advised him to try to save his marriage. Nick and Sharon considered a new sideline. Victoria resented having to work with Brad. Michael confronted Jack about certain rumors he had heard. Neil advised Victoria against using Malcolm as a photographer for Brash & Sassy. Jill learned that the concert that Billy had attended had been in Chicago. Brad told Nikki that she would never get him out of her system. Ryan had a change of heart about the baby.
August 23 to 27, 1999
Victor accused Jill of betraying him, and she tried to explain that she had been set up. Brad continued to play with Nikki's mind. Cole and Jack had a confrontation. Grace visited Tricia to enlist her help to keep Tony and Megan apart. Alice paid a visit to the ranch. Sharon and Cassie encouraged Alice and Millie to make up. Victoria paid a visit to Malcolm. Callie planned to leave town, but Malcolm convinced her to stay. Paul located Brock.
August 30 to September 3, 1999
Billy planned a Labor Day party when he learned that Jill was going to New York without him and that she was going to talk John into letting Billy stay in Genoa City. Jill warned Ashley and Jack that she would take her offer off the table, so they needed to make a decision. Nikki received some good news from the urologist regarding success rates of vasectomy reversals. Katherine decided to go to India to look for Brock. Nick and Sharon happily announced that they had purchased Crimson Lights, but it wasn't good news to Victoria. Tricia and Ryan went to the doctor for another ultrasound. Ramona sent Victor a fax, and Brad made a copy to show to Nikki.
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September 6 to 10, 1999
Ashley went to Victor and made an emotional plea for an extension on the deal, and he agreed to give her more time. Victoria suggested that Cole return to the tack house to write. Tricia lost her baby. Nikki continued to press Victor for a child. Katherine and Paul arrived in India. The police arrived at the Chancellor mansion.
September 13 to 17, 1999
The deadline for the Jabot deal arrived, and Jack was forced to negotiate with Victor. Jack got Jabot back for his father -- for a price. John arrived in town with Traci and Steve. Billy was ready to exit Genoa City. Jill accused Mac of thievery. Paul returned without Katherine. Ryan and Tricia both felt guilty about the loss of their child. Olivia and Malcolm had a talk with Nate. Callie was desperate to reach Trey. Nikki and Brad shared a slow dance and a kiss.
September 20 to 24, 1999
Victor and his children celebrated getting his company back. Nikki had a romantic dinner with Brad. John returned to Jabot as its CEO. Jack and Ashley were all set to get a campaign rolling for their teen line, but Brash & Sassy beat them to it. Jack learned that Brad was once again Victor's "right-hand man." John told Billy that they were going to stay in Genoa City. Katherine awaited news about Brock. Nick and Sharon geared up for their grand opening, while Mac talked about leaving town. Tricia contemplated telling Ryan that she had intentionally gotten pregnant.
September 27 to October 1, 1999
Nick had his opening at Crimson Lights and almost had a disaster on his hands, but the event turned out to be a success. Grace threw Tony out on his ear, and he moved in with Megan. Malcolm overheard Olivia making a confession to Neil. Nikki and Brad almost made it to the bedroom, but Nikki called off their rendezvous after a confrontation with Diane. Cole moved back to the tack house; he shared a kiss with Victoria. Diane received a letter addressed to Victor.
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October 4 to 8, 1999
Olivia hired a divorce lawyer. The news was upsetting to both Malcolm and John Silva. When Malcolm confronted her, it only strengthened her resolve. Katherine returned to Genoa City and wrestled with the decision of whether or not to tell Mac about her father. Mac reassured Katherine that she had returned to school, at least for the time being. Billy almost moved back in with Jill. Victoria and Cole kissed; Cole seemed to read more into the act than Victoria did. Brash & Sassy was wildly successful; Victoria even received fan mail, and one letter in particular intrigued her. Diane found out that Victor's sperm sample was going to expire in three months, but when she tried to inform him, he insulted her repeatedly. Diane wondered what she could do with the information that would hurt Victor the most. Just as Nikki was about to make up with Victor and try again, she learned that Victor had offered Ramona a job in Genoa City. Ramona called Victor with her decision.
October 11 to 15, 1999
Tony refused to spend the night with Megan, and she decided that she wanted to wait until marriage to have sex. Tricia overheard Megan's plans to ask Tony to marry her and conspired with Grace to break up the relationship before it was too late. Katherine learned that Brock had been presumed dead. While trying to comfort her, Jill said the wrong thing, and Katherine lost her composure. Mac and Raul talked. Mac shared her long-held desire to know her father. She said that she thought that her grandmother had gone looking for him. Billy watched as Raul and Mac kissed. Later, Katherine had the unenviable chore of telling Mac that Mac would never meet her father. Victoria suggested that Victor ask Nikki to marry him. Victor planned a romantic dinner and intended to pop the question. Ashley made plans with Cole at the Colonnade Room to celebrate the completion of his novel. On her way to the Colonnade Room, Nikki ran into Diane at Gina's, and words led to a brawl. When both Cole and Nikki were late for their own parties, Ashley and Victor kept each other company. Nina and Tomas met and got friendly. He wished her luck when she went to mail the manuscript of her novel to a publisher.
October 18 to 22, 1999
Victor planned a romantic evening with Nikki; he even asked a wedding consultant to drop by the Colonnade Room. On her way to meet Victor, Nikki got into a brawl with Diane at Gina's. Nikki arrived late at the Colonnade Room, where she found Victor holding Ashley's hand. Cole, who was entertaining Victoria, Nick, and Sharon at the tack house, stood Ashley up. Nikki was cold to Victor during the evening, and she finally got up and left, saying that there was no hope for them. The wedding consultant chose that moment to arrive, and Victor threw him out. Cole arrived home, full of apologies, but Ashley said that they would start fresh in the morning. She went to work and spent the night in the lab. The next day, Ashley said that she wanted to have a baby to solidify their marriage. Tony gave Megan a key to his apartment, but Tricia stole it and had a copy made. Tricia and Grace had concocted a plan that would break up Tony and Megan. Malcolm insisted on attending the first meeting between the opposing attorneys in his and Olivia's divorce case. Michael mentioned that there would be no formal visitation clause in the divorce, and Malcolm went ballistic and almost attacked Michael. . Katherine told Mac that Brock was dead, and she worried that Mac would no longer have a reason to stay in Genoa City. Jill reached out to Mac and offered her comfort. Jill told Katherine that Katherine had done all that she could to find Brock for Mac, and Brock's death wasn't Katherine's fault. Mac opened up to Billy. Haunted by memories of Brock, Katherine ran out of the house, but as she opened the door to leave, she saw what she thought was an apparition of Brock, and she fainted.
October 25 to 29, 1999
Tricia and Grace put their plan to separate Megan and Tony into action. Mac couldn't seem to accept the fact that her father was dead. Unaware that Brock was really alive and in Genoa City, she disappeared. Billy, Raul, and Katherine thought Mac had left town again, but in reality, she was spending the night with Nina. Ashley suggested to Cole that it was the right time to start a family, but Cole had to think about it. The Abbotts were set to expand their cosmetics business to include a teen line by Christmas, even though they knew that it would be risky and costly. Brad suggested to Victoria that they expand their teen line to include a full line of women's cosmetics by Christmas. She disagreed, but Victor liked the plan. She threatened to quit if Victor messed with Brash & Sassy. Victor told Nick that expanding the cosmetics line was part of his plan to get revenge on Jack. Victor made Nick a Newman board member. Ashley ran into Nikki, and Nikki suggested that Ashley couldn't get over Victor. Ashley realized that Nikki was still in love with Victor. Ashley let Nikki know that she and Cole were planning a family. Brad visited Diane and found the letter from the laboratory.
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November 1 to 5, 1999
Brad learned of Victor's deposit at a sperm bank. Diane agreed the information could destroy Victor and Nikki's marriage, leaving the door open for Brad to have a relationship with Nikki.
November 8 to 12, 1999
Victor discovered that Nick owned Crimson Lights and demanded that he get rid of it immediately. Nick stood up to his father, and Victor canceled the press conference to announce Nick's board seat. Nikki planned her wedding, and the wedding consultant went to see Gina. Brad and Diane overheard their conversation. Open mike night was almost a disaster at Crimson Lights, but Billy and Raul saved the day. Cole got an offer to teach at his alma mater in London, and Ashley refused to go with him after he told her that he wouldn't have a baby with her. Ashley learned that Victoria had talked to Cole about Ashley and Cole having a baby; Ashley slapped Victoria in the middle of Gina's. Jill prepared to have a talk with Brock about Mac. Nina got her third rejection from publishers. Brad went to see Nikki and handed her the letter.
November 15 to 19, 1999
Brad proved to Nikki that Victor had been lying to her all along. Diane schemed to take possession of Victor's sperm sample. Jill told Brock that she had doubts that Mac was his daughter, but she hoped that he and Katherine were right -- for their sakes. Neil hoped Olivia would move on with her life -- with him. Malcolm and Callie made plans to leave town. Victor went to Jabot and issued Jack a dire warning after Victor learned that Jabot was producing a new teen line. Grace confessed to Tony and Megan, and then she left town. At Katherine's urging, Nikki decided to give Victor one more chance, but when she got to the office, she found Ramona caressing Victor's hand.
November 22 to 26, 1999
Grace stopped by to say goodbye to Cassie before Grace moved to New York City. Diane accepted delivery of an appropriate freezer, and she ordered the lab to deliver Victor's sperm sample to her home. Victoria received some creepy fan mail, and she asked Paul to investigate. Brock told Mac the story of his relationship with her mother. Katherine hosted a Thanksgiving dinner for the homeless at the shelter with help from Brock, Birdie, Mac, Billy, and Raul. Hearing that Victor had gone to New Mexico for Thanksgiving, Nikki arranged a rendezvous with Brad at the Lodge, leaving Nick, Sharon, and the kids at the ranch to wonder where she was. Olivia suggested Malcolm and Callie take Nate to Barbados with them. Olivia made an appointment with a doctor, then she doubled over in pain.
November 29 to December 3, 1999
Nina gave her manuscript to Tomas to read. In Barbados, Malcolm gave Callie an engagement ring, and she accepted his proposal. Neil found Olivia on the floor of her apartment, unable to move. Ashley confirmed that Diane was storing Victor's sperm sample in her apartment. Raul and Billy began to compete for Mac's attention.
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December 6 to 10, 1999
Nikki told Brad of her anger over Victor's disappearance before the holidays. Brad told Nikki that he loved her, and he urged her to go to Italy with him. In New Mexico, Nick was furious with Ramona for keeping Victor's whereabouts a secret. Ramona contacted Victor. Billy invited Brittany to the dance, while Mac and Raul planned to go together. Katherine offered to help Mac pick out a new dress. Olivia refused to let Nate see her in the hospital, and she was concerned about the results of her blood tests. Tomas critiqued Nina's book. Victoria remained on edge over the creepy fan mail she had received, but she wanted to move forward with the ad campaign.
December 13 to 17, 1999
Cole asked for a permanent separation from Ashley. Victoria received a photo collage from her crazy fan, and she decided to pull the ads that featured her. Jill approved of Billy taking Brittany to the dance. Nikki resolved to decide between Victor and Brad by New Year's Eve. Olivia's doctor decided not to release her from the hospital, and Olivia worried that her cancer had returned. Tricia tried to make Tony look foolish at a fancy dinner, and Ryan warned her that her efforts would only anger Megan. Billy offered Mac and Raul a ride to the dance.
December 20 to 24, 1999
Ashley left for a cruise. Cassie missed Millie, so Sharon arranged a call so Cassie and Millie could talk. With Victor still in New Mexico, Ramona showed up in Genoa City, and she knew the combination to get papers out of Victor's safe. Jack realized that Ramona was the same woman who had helped Victor. Mac eavesdropped on Billy and Brittany, and she heard him insult Mac to win Brittany's favor; Billy and Brittany kissed, which disappointed Mac. Brock and Mac shared a touching moment as they trimmed the tree together. Callie spoke with Michael about Trey, who she needed to divorce before she could marry Malcolm. As Nikki and Brad made plans to go to Venice for Christmas, Victor arrived home.
December 27 to 31, 1999
With New Year's Eve approaching, Jack traveled to Albuquerque to look for Ramona. Diane left for their cruise without Michael, who had to work, and ended up on the same ship as Ashley. Thinking that Larry Warton was Victoria's obsessed fan, Nick confronted him. Ryan told Tricia that she needed to get help to get over her obsession with keeping Megan and Tony apart. Ryan and Tricia met Megan and Tony at the Colonnade Room for New Year's Eve. On the way back to the table from the restroom, Tricia ran into Tony in the hallway, slapped him, and then kissed him passionately.
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