* Who's Who in Genoa City: Jana Hawkes Fisher | The Young and the Restless on Soap Central
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Jana Hawkes Fisher
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Actor History

Nanny to Lucy Abbott at time of death

Former art teacher at Tiny Tots Daycare

Former manager of Crimson Lights Coffeehouse

Former assistant to Sabrina at the Newman Modern Art Gallery

Former manager of Crimson Lights Coffeehouse

Former morgue photographer in Racine, WI

Former au pair in London

Resides At

Garage apartment behind Billy and Victoria's house at time of death

Marital Status


Past Marriages

Kevin Fisher [Married: Aug 18, 2008; divorced: Sep 29, 2010]


Hannah Hawkes (mother)

Milan Hawkes (father, deceased)

Jenny Hawkes (grandmother, deceased)

Carl Hawkes (grandfather, deceased)



Flings & Affairs

Kevin Fisher

Ryder Callahan

Crimes Committed

Admitted to the murder of Carmen Mesta; released after surgery to remove a brain tumor; charges were dropped

Conspired with her father, Milan, to steal Nazi treasures

Lured Kevin and Colleen to an abandoned warehouse, set it on fire, and left them there to die

Left a false trail of evidence leading people to believe she was murdered

Breaking and entering at the home of Nick and Phyllis Newman to retrieve money Noah had hidden there; was never caught.

Breaking and entering at a pawn shop to retrieve records of who Katherine Chancellor's emerald ring was sold to; was questioned by police

Kidnapped Lucy and Delia Abbott, held Kevin Fisher hostage

Health and Vitals

Brain tumor; was removed and she recovered

Suffered raging headaches whenever she or Kevin were in trouble and separated

Cerebral hemorrhage; coiling procedure left her without emotions

Faked memory loss after she hit herself over the head to explain Daisy's escape

A brain aneurysm caused her death

Brief Character History

Kevin Fisher hired a new employee named Jana Hawkes for his coffeehouse, Crimson Lights. She was British, just getting over being dumped by a guy in Chicago, and new to Genoa City. Jana, the bohemian who rode a scooter to work, lived in a camper down by the lake and wore colored streaks or decorations in her hair. She knew a lot about art and the world, because she had traveled around a lot as a kid, and she had a strange fascination with serial killers. Kevin and Jana began dating, and went on wild adventurous dates like skydiving, but Jana knew too much about Kevin's family and Brad Carlton to be for real.

Daniel and Lily's young marital bliss was interrupted when Alex arrived back in town and began blackmailing Kevin and Daniel by threatening to expose how he had helped them to pretend to attack Lily years before. Daniel told Jack and Phyllis about it, and both suggested he tell Lily the truth, which he finally did. Meanwhile, Kevin and Gloria had devised a scheme to get rid of Alex. They drugged Alex, and videotaped a faked rape scene with the help of Jana. Once Alex saw the tape, he left town.

Jana became the manager of Crimson Lights, and she and Kevin, the quirky couple who no one understood but themselves, moved in together in an apartment in Michael's building. However, Jana suddenly disappeared, and so much of her blood was found in the park, she was feared dead. Jana had been saving up her blood to set this all up. As part of her plan, she kidnapped Colleen so that Jana and her father, Milan, could get to a Nazi treasure in the Czech Republic before Brad and Victor. Once she had the secret code from Colleen, Jana admitted that her great-grandfather, a jeweler, had been forced to etch the inscription into a reliquary, and then afterward, the Nazis had murdered him because he had known too much. She also surprised everyone by confessing to the murder of Carmen Mesta.

Jana trapped Colleen and Kevin in a walk-in cooler in an abandoned building and set it afire. Although Jana had fallen in love with him, framing Kevin was her necessary out, and since Kevin had once tried to do the same to Colleen, Kevin would be blamed, and it would be assumed that he had mistakenly gotten trapped with her this time. Jana's father, Milan, turned up at the catacombs after Victor, Victoria, and Brad discovered the treasure. Milan locked them up, but was killed by the authorities as he tried to escape with the treasure. As the smoke got thicker, Kevin gave Colleen his water-soaked shirt to help her breathe. They bonded, and were later J.T. and Adrian rescued them, but Jana disappeared.

Months later, Jana reappeared to Kevin via video on his computer, begging for forgiveness and proclaiming her undying love for him. Kevin was torn, knowing Jana was the only person who had ever loved him for himself, yet she had tried to kill him. Revenge won out, and he lured her back to Genoa City by telling her he forgave her and showing her Plum's money. Kevin met her in a warehouse; she pulled a gun on him, so he chloroformed her and held her there. Colleen had followed him, then Daniel and Michael, and they all pleaded with Kevin to turn Jana over to the police and not kill her. He called the police, then the others left.

Jana was taken into custody, but had a seizure, which turned out to be caused by a brain tumor. Kevin was torn between his love and hate for Jana, as she told the police that the others were there, and he had all that money, which they all denied, saying she was crazy. Jana needed surgery for which she could not pay, and went in and out of her delusion that she and Kevin were married and had two kids named Nigel and Kate. She convinced Kevin that the things she had done in the past had been caused by the tumor, so Kevin got her the money for the surgery by blackmailing his mother, Gloria. Colleen became Kevin's new best friend, and joined him in his forgiveness and support of Jana, who was released from prison and returned to living with Kevin and working at Crimson Lights.

Kevin was left without his number one barista when Jana left to be Sabrina's assistant at the Newman Art Gallery. Gloria worked at Crimson Lights for a while unsuccessfully, and Jana part-time until Kevin found someone else, which ended up being Colleen.

Although Jana was originally planning her wedding to Kevin in "Goth" style with Amber designing her gown, she was influenced by being maid of honor for Sabrina and began dreaming of a more traditional wedding. However, Jana and Kevin ended up with a hippie-style wedding at an ashram in Malibu. All in hippie attire except for Jana's white lace gown, Amber was the maid of honor, and Daniel was Kevin's best man, with Michael as groomsman. Lauren, Gloria and Jeffrey attended, and Colleen tagged along as Daniel's date.

To everyone's shock, the guru officiating turned out to be Michael's long-lost father, Lowell "River" Baldwin. Gloria and Michael gave him a tongue-lashing over his abandoning them before Michael was born, and Lowell retorted with cosmic gibberish about fate and the universe, and asked them not to turn him in to the "Feds." Michael gave Lowell hell, with tears of hurt in his eyes, but left saying he would not turn his father in. Meanwhile, Daniel and Colleen had sex; Amber spotted them, and left. Jana and Kevin honeymooned, driving a '69 Dodge Charger up the California coast.

Once Kay Chancellor was supposedly dead, Kevin's temptation to spend the money she had left in a satchel at Crimson Lights got the best of him, but Jana found out, disapproved, and, although they needed it for repairs at Crimson Lights, she gave the remaining $60,000 to Lowell for the Ashram, thinking it would cleanse their karma. Jana and Kevin thought River had taken the money with him when he skipped town, but Kevin overheard Eden and Noah saying that they had found it hidden in Eden's old teddy bear and hid it in the tack house. Jana gave up on karma and being the "June Cleaver" of Genoa City, and helped Kevin steal the money back. While visiting his mother in jail, Kevin met the woman posing as Kay Chancellor. He believed her, and Kevin and Jana, joining forces with Amber and Daniel, used Kay's money to bail her out of jail and hired Michael to represent her to prove that she really was Katherine.

Amber and Kevin realized that the first letter of every sentence of the note Kay's doppelganger "Marge" left when she disappeared spelled out CLINT. Clint met Amber, hoping to convince her that he had witnessed Kay leaving town. As Clint left the bar, Gina spotted him and warned Amber and Kevin that Clint was her dangerous scammer ex-husband. Kevin and Amber tracked him down to the hotel where he was holding Kay and Esther, but his cohort, Annie, bluffed them into leaving. Kevin returned later, and Clint captured him too.

Clint, Annie and Roger left Kay and Esther in the hotel room with a bomb rigged to go off, drugging and framing Kevin for it, and taking him along locked in the trunk of the car. Amber and Gloria arrived in time to untie Kay and Esther, then the bomb went off, but no one was seriously hurt. Meanwhile, between Kevin's claustrophobia and the drugs, he began to believe that Clint was his dead father "Terrible Tom," which turned him into a whimpering child. Once Clint realized this, he took advantage of Kevin, coercing him to rob banks for Clint in a chipmunk head disguise. When Kevin successfully returned from his last robbery with a gunshot wound in the leg, a jubilant Clint had a heart attack and fell dead. Poor Kevin told Clint he was a bad dad and put him in the closet.

Amber found Kevin after the robbery. He took her back to his hotel and threw her in the closet with dead Clint. Michael and Daniel tracked them there, but Amber and Kevin had already left. Amber tried to convince Kevin that Clint was not his father, Tom, and that both were dead and could no longer hurt him. Kevin, in his delusional state, forced her to help him rob another bank. Meanwhile, Jana had been having raging headaches ever since Kevin was shot. Jeffrey located Amber and Kevin hiding in a railroad car, but Michael got there in time to talk Kevin into taking out his rage on Jeffrey, and surrendering with him. Michael convinced the judge to have Kevin committed for his own good, while Kay and Daniel tried to convince the judge that Amber was an unwilling accomplice.

Kevin became near-catatonic and delusional in a padded cell, and wouldn't even let Gloria near him. Though still non-responsive, he was okay with Mackenzie, Jana, and Michael's visits. Amber was the one to finally have some effect on Kevin. Jeffrey visited him, realized that Kevin was haunted by demons, and encouraged him to fight back, because he was not a bad boy.

Kevin had a major delusion that he had been put in an ambulance in a straitjacket, and the chipmunk taunted him into jumping out of the back while it was moving. He and the chipmunk escaped into the woods, where Kevin and the chipmunk had it out. With Jeffrey's words to fight back echoing in his head, Kevin did, and emerged from his delusional state, hearing Daniel pleading with him. Meanwhile, Gloria confessed to getting Kevin to go back to being bad by helping her trick Kay, so Kay banished Gloria for her greed. Roger and Annie were captured in Canada. After their statements about Clint's torture of Kevin and information that the gun Amber had hidden had been filled with blanks, Kevin was let out on bail in time to attend Kay Chancellor's wedding to Murphy.

Kay invited the governor to dinner to request amnesty for Kevin and Amber, but Jill told him that doing so would ruin his career, and when Kevin and Amber showed up, she maligned them and Katherine in front of him. Jill came on to the governor, took him into another room, and he came out very happy with Jill gloating that she had changed his mind. While Kay and Jill were sparring, Murphy convinced the governor to grant amnesty to Kevin and Amber with the gift of his military rifle from one Korean War veteran to another.

Meanwhile, Daniel held a showing of his artwork, and sold all his sketches, with prices negotiated by Jana, to a man named Howard. Amber and Daniel, along with Kevin and Jana celebrated their freedom and the sale as the buyer peered in the window. The buyer returned the next day, claiming to be Federal Agent Howard Aucker. Due to Daniel's style, Aucker wanted him to forge a painting to trap some art thieves. If Daniel agreed, he could keep the money for the sketches, but could not tell anyone. Art expert Jana spotted and recognized the painting Aucker gave Daniel to forge. Daniel lied and said that he had "artists' block," and was practicing by copying another artist's work, then later had to tell her the truth.

Daniel failed to finish in time, his and Amber's loft was ransacked, and the painting was stolen. When Daniel contacted the real Agent Aucker, it turned out the first guy was a fake. "Thomas Balfour" approached Victoria to buy a painting for the Newman collection, but she recognized it as stolen art. Victoria called Jana over to verify, and Jana was shocked to discover it was Daniel's forgery, and that "Balfour" was the fake FBI man. Victoria made a deal to meet him with the cash, and he left, then she notified the real Agent Aucker. Much to J.T.'s dismay, Aucker put a wire on Victoria and supplied the cash for the exchange, but Daniel showed up before her, and "Balfour" pulled a gun on him. Someone in a ski mask attacked "Balfour" from behind and left him shot.

When Daniel asked the man who had shot him, the guy said that it was Daniel and died, so Daniel fled. When Victoria arrived, the masked person knocked crates down on top of her and took off with the briefcase of money. Daniel became the chief suspect because his prints were on the gun after he threw it out of the victim's grasp, and both the forged painting and the $100,000 were gone. The masked person was last seen planting the briefcase in the office of the coffeehouse, where the Feds found it, and Daniel was arrested. Phyllis made his bail, but Jana, as his "accomplice," was originally denied bail due to her criminal record; Michael got her out. Kevin managed to steal the dead man's cell phone from the evidence after their bail hearing, and Daniel and Amber were intent on using it to find the real killer to clear them both.

Kevin was asked to give a presentation at Genoa City High on his experience fighting off the chipmunk and how it had changed his life. He began marketing "Face Your Inner Chipmunk," and Jana convinced him to donate the income to charity so he didn't appear to be profiting from his criminal activity.

Daniel became a suspect in the death of "Balfour." Jana discovered Deacon had possession of both Daniel's forgery and the original painting. Amber could not be talked out of trying to get the goods on Deacon, and took him up on his proposition to marry him to protect Daniel. Ryder, who worked for Deacon, confessed to Kevin that he had killed Balfour, whose real name was Ray Elkins. He said his dead father, who had known Elkins in prison, locked him in a cellar when he was a kid, and Elkins had treated him the same way, too, so Ryder had killed him. Kevin didn't believe the coincidence when Ryder claimed his father was Tom Callahan, an alias Kevin's father, "Terrible Tom," had used, but a DNA test confirmed that he was true.

Deacon visited Ryder in jail, which confirmed that Deacon had made him confess to the murder. Daniel got Ryder to confess the plan, then stopped the wedding of Deacon and Amber, making a deal to use the key to Tom's safe deposit box in Detroit to retrieve the original of the Terroni painting Daniel had forged for Deacon. With his flight not until the next day, Daniel and Amber made love all night, then he proposed, calling her his true soul mate. Because the bank refused Daniel admittance to the box, he returned with Amber posing as Tom's bereaved widow Gloria. But just after they got into the box and retrieved the painting, Gloria showed up. They convinced her to play along, and got the painting back to Genoa City, where they bickered about what to do with it, since Deacon had promised Gloria five million dollars to get it for him, Jana felt it should be returned to the museum, and Daniel needed it to give to Deacon for his and Amber's freedom.

Kevin hid the Terroni painting at Crimson Lights, but Gloria found and took it to Deacon. Daniel tricked her, got it back, and returned it to the museum. He received a $25,000 reward, but gave it to Kevin to bail out Ryder. Kevin insisted Ryder move in with him and Jana while he got a new start by working at the coffee shop. Daniel was arrested and jailed again, but Phyllis led a search of the landfill where all their friends showed up to help, and found the satchel that had been tossed by the killer as he ran away. DNA evidence on the ski mask found inside proved that the killer was a female, and Daniel was released. Unknown to everyone else, Deacon, Ryder, and Ryder's twin sister Daisy discussed their plot against Daniel, which was masterminded by an unknown woman. Their next target was Lauren who began getting visits from dead and live rats.

College girl Daisy convinced Lauren to hire her at Fenmore's and presented herself as a sweet, hard-working girl who had no family. When Eden began seeing through Daisy's con job, Daisy set the Carlton mansion on fire while Eden and Noah were upstairs making love. Noah's Uncle Adam arrived in time to save them and Noah's dog, Fisher. Eden confronted Daisy with a Fenmore's card found at the scene, certain that Daisy had set the fire. Not long afterward, an aunt in Paris contacted Eden and asked her to live in Paris for a while and attend a prestigious school there. While she hated to leave Noah, Eden persuaded Michael and Lauren to let her go. Once Eden got to Paris, she was confused when her aunt thanked her for making contact and requesting to visit. Learning of this, Noah soon got permission to join her there.

Daisy got Lauren to feel sorry for her and allow her to live in Eden's room. While packing up Eden's things, Michael found a receipt for the purchase of a rat from a pet store. The clerk remembered selling it to a young dark-haired girl with an attitude. Michael phoned and confronted Eden, who swore she was being set up and suspected Daisy. Lauren began having terrible headaches and being short-tempered with everyone, and refused to believe that Daisy was not the sweet, helpful girl she appeared to be. Jana was suspicious of Ryder and suspected that he and Daisy were not new acquaintances.

After Jana convinced Kevin of her suspicions, Ryder was fired from Crimson Lights and Kevin asked him to move out of their apartment. Ryder lived on the streets by day, and slept at the boutique at night, then later at the homeless shelter. One day Ryder watched some young trick-or-treaters and gazed at a ripped photo of himself as a young boy. Ryder recalled arguing with another boy about costumes. As Ryder remembered the boy taunting him and calling him "chicken boy," he wiped a tear from his eye, saying, "I didn't mean for it to happen."

Jana found a photo of Daisy with a boy named Max Potter, and discovered on the Internet that he had disappeared from camp one Halloween night. During a date at the Athletic Club, while Kevin was trapped in the elevator, Jana found a card on her plate, which invited her to a movie theater to finish their date. On her theater seat was a scrapbook with photos of Daisy and Ryder as babies. Realizing they were twins and who their mother was, Jana screamed, then was abducted. Kevin began frantically searching for Jana, finally enlisted the help of Michael and Detective J.T., convinced that Ryder and Daisy were behind her disappearance. Meanwhile Jana was being held in a cage in the zoo next to an abandoned amusement park near Twin Lakes, attended by a reluctant Ryder, and Daisy plotted to get rid of Jana as she left a trail to convince everyone that Jana had left Kevin and disappeared.

Lauren's headaches got worse, and she was taking medication, but Daisy was lacing her water with a drug. One day Daisy slipped her some ecstasy, which made Lauren euphoric and amorous. When Michael was too busy, Daisy photographed Lauren making out with Paul. She slipped the photo in Michael's briefcase -- all to stir up trouble, at the direction of her mother whom they called "Mama Bear." Michael, Paul, and Lauren realized that Daisy was behind the photos, had put a toxin in the paste for Lauren's new office wallpaper to cause the headaches, and was probably behind Jana's disappearance. With Detective Chance's help, they arranged for a text message to be placed from Daisy's cell phone to get Ryder to go to the Baldwin apartment, and when he arrived, both Daisy and Ryder were arrested.

Sarah Smythe, posted their bail, saying she was their mother, and all three showed up in costume at the annual charity ball, where they kidnapped Lauren. Paul later found that in 1993, Sarah Smythe had been a night nurse in a hospital in Green Bay. She had been cleared of charges when elderly patients died in her direct care. The police said she looked just like Lauren. Ryder had second thoughts and sent Kevin a text message with a clue to find Jana, Kevin went to the amusement park but did not find Jana. Lauren ended up in a cage near where Jana had been placed in a crate after she tried to escape, and they were able to talk.

Daisy confronted Lauren, admitting to being involved in everything from framing Daniel for murder and sending Eden to Paris, to planting the rats and the toxin in Lauren's office wallpaper. Daisy claimed that she and Ryder were twins raised by someone else because the ongoing feud between Lauren and their mother, Sheila Carter, stole Sheila away from them. Daisy inferred that Sheila was still alive and there with them. Lauren demanded Sheila show herself, and "Mama Bear" appeared -- with Lauren's face! Lauren and Jana ended up together in the cage where "Mama Bear" told them she was Sheila's sister, Sarah, and that she intended to avenge Sheila's death.

Sarah took Lauren's wedding ring, and left in Lauren's clothes, then stepped into Lauren's life. Michael's joy at "Lauren's" return was dashed when she told him she had awakened that morning in a strange man's bed, and began acting very abnormally. Michael arranged an appointment with a psychologist, Dr. Emily Peterson. When Sarah, passing for "Lauren," met "Emily," she recognized her immediately as Patty Williams. Sarah had been Patty's nurse at the surgical center in Argentina where they both had undergone their plastic surgeries.

Sarah made a deal with Emily, who was tired of Jack continually going to Phyllis for solace, that Sarah would kill Phyllis if Patty would kill Michael. Sarah, impersonating Lauren, visited Phyllis while Daisy waited outside, ready to strangle Phyllis. But when Lauren heard that Daniel was on his way there, she called Daisy and told her to stop him. Sarah attempted to kill Phyllis herself, but Phyllis got away and barricaded herself in another room. Meanwhile Daisy kept Daniel at his apartment by drugging him, and was having sex with him when Amber and Little Eric walked in on them.

Back at Crimson Lights, Kevin decided to find Jana by using her Ouija board with Kay and Murphy. It kept pointing to letters that spelled out zoo, so Murphy helicoptered the three of them to find Jana with a heat locator. Once on the ground, they searched separately, and Kevin found Jana suffering worse headaches than when she had suffered with her brain tumor. After Michael found Phyllis barricaded in her room, they drove to the zoo and arrived to find the real Lauren and Sarah having a gun standoff in the fun house mirrors. Meanwhile Daisy held Kevin and Jana at gunpoint, but Ryder stepped between them and convinced Daisy to give him the gun and run away with him.

Kevin picked up the gun where Ryder had dropped it, but Ryder convinced him to let them go. Michael was able to tell Lauren and Sarah apart, and tried to convince Lauren to drop the gun. He insisted that the police would take care of Sarah. But Lauren was well aware that police never could contain Sheila, either, so she started shooting. A ricocheting bullet hit Phyllis in the cast on her broken leg, and she and Michael were caught between the two Laurens, each with a gun. Phyllis gave the password "karma," which Jana had given to her, and Lauren confirmed herself as the real Lauren with the response "is a bitch," then Lauren shot and killed Sarah. Daisy and Ryder left together by car, and Daisy promised she would be back someday as her mother Sheila would want.

Murphy rushed Jana by helicopter to the hospital, where she was diagnosed with a brain aneurysm. At her bedside, Kevin told Jana they were two misfit toys stuck with each other for eternity, that he had never given up on her, and never would. Her surgery went well, but to Kevin's dismay, Jana woke from surgery with no emotions, possibly due to brain damage. Jana went back to work at Crimson Lights but was so unlike herself, she even cut her long hair into a bob.

Lauren was still having nightmares of Sarah. She and Michael entered Crimson Lights and were shocked to find Ryder there, ready to turn himself in to the police. Ryder apologized to Kevin, Jana, and Lauren for his actions, saying that he'd spent his whole life taking orders from Sarah and Daisy, and even if he spent the rest of it in prison, he would finally be free of them. Kevin called the police, and Chance took Ryder to jail. Jana later visited Ryder, telling him how much she could relate to his situation.

Heather was reinstated as an Assistant D.A. thanks to Chance's recommendation and the capture of both Ryder and Patty. Jana's first returning emotion was compassion as she took a loan out against Crimson Lights to bail out Ryder. Jana admitted she had no feelings for Kevin, and that she intended to help Ryder change his life, justifying to Kevin and Lauren that although Ryder had tried to kill them, he had also helped them escape. Kevin got drunk and told Jana they were done. Jana got separate rooms for herself and Ryder at the Athletic Club, and although Ryder was reluctant because she was his brother's wife, they ended up having sex together.

Jana tried to find a way to pay Kevin back, and support them while Ryder began stealing from guests at the Athletic Club to do his part. Jana found out that Ryder was about to be arrested, so she agreed to run away with him. Kevin discovered they had run off together and was afraid he would lose Crimson Lights without the bail money Jana had gotten by mortgaging it. That came true when Ryder did not show up for his trial, but Mac rescued Kevin, offering to buy back Crimson Lights and let him run it; they would split the profits 60/40. Later, Jana returned alone, told Kevin how sorry she was, and what a fool she had been to believe in Ryder. Kevin refused to forgive her and take her back. Kevin gave her divorce papers with his signature. Jana was reluctant to sign, but eventually did. Jana went to work as an art teacher at Tiny Tots Daycare.

Noah Newman began hanging out with Jana after her divorce. Noah surprised everyone by playing a guitar and singing at Daniel Romalotti's showing at an art gallery. Jana was impressed, and Devon said he could set Noah up with a chance to record.

When Daisy returned to Genoa City in October 2010, pregnant with Daniel's baby, she was arrested and jailed. Once Phyllis learned that she may become a grandmother, she insisted on a DNA test. The test revealed that Daniel was the father, and that the baby was a girl, but Daniel refused to have anything to do with Daisy or her child. After Daisy had a breach of the placenta and needed bed rest for the remainder of the pregnancy, Phyllis got Daisy released into her custody with an ankle monitor to be sure of the baby's welfare until it was born and could be adopted. But when Daniel saw that Daisy was keeping Phyllis and Summer apart, he petitioned the court to take Daisy to live with him, so Summer could live with Phyllis.

Motivated by one night of desperation sex initiated by Kevin, Jana made a deal with Daisy for Jana to raise the baby in hopes that it would return Kevin to her for good. In exchange, Jana changed her statement about her abduction to say that Sarah had forced Daisy to do the things she had done.

After Daniel threatened to legally dissolve Daisy's parental rights, a U.S. Marshall delivered her news that she would be going back to jail after the birth. Kevin told Daisy that he was aware that she was manipulating the unstable Jana, so he wanted nothing to do with her or her baby. Later, alone with Jana, Daisy went into labor, and convinced Jana to help her run away. Jana hit herself in the head and claimed that Daisy had stolen her car and fled. Daniel tracked down Daisy and helped her deliver her baby in the car. Afterward, Daisy knocked him out and left him on the road in the snow.

Daisy abandoned her new daughter at a church, where a man who was down on his luck found the baby. He sold her for five thousand dollars to Primrose DeVille, niece of infamous baby broker Rose Deville. Billy Abbott bought the baby girl from Primrose for two million dollars, because his wife, Victoria, had been told she was unlikely to ever have another child. Retro-TV-lovers, Billy and Victoria, named the red-haired baby "Lucy" after Lucille Ball. Daniel was found, later woke from his coma, and slowly remembered everything. When Victoria handed him their new baby daughter to hold, he finally remembered helping Daisy give birth.

Jana could see that she had lost Kevin to Chloe, so she took advantage of her head injury and faked memory loss of everything that had happened since she had been abducted and imprisoned by Daisy. Jana convinced everyone that her sanity was dependent on Kevin, so her doctor suggested they ease Jana back to the present, and let her continue to believe that she and Kevin were still happily married.

Due to Cane's death, Chloe's discovery that Chance was not really dead, and the Kevin and Jana situation, Chloe declared she was fed up with men. But Kevin, frustrated that he couldn't be with Chloe, finally told Jana that they were divorced. During the Valentine's Day puppy love benefit, Gloria locked Kevin and Chloe in the office, where they ended up making up and making love. Jana tried to interrupt, but Kevin sent her away.

After Kevin asked Jana to move out of his apartment, she found a better job as Lucy Abbott's nanny, and moved into the garage apartment behind Billy and Victoria's house.

Seven months after he disappeared, Ryder grabbed Jana at Billy and Victoria's house, where she was nanny to their baby, Lucy. Ryder told Jana that Daisy had told him she'd had her baby and had left it at a church named St. Joseph's. Ryder said he needed to know that her baby was safe, and demanded that Jana help him find the baby, or the police would find out that Jana had let Daisy escape. Then Ryder left. Days later, Jana got curious and searched for the church on the Internet. She found it, went there, and talked to the priest, but he knew nothing about any baby. Overhearing them was Agnes, the woman who had taken the baby from the church.

Agnes told Jana the baby had been sold to a horrible woman, and gave Primrose's cell phone number to Jana. Jana, convinced that finding Daisy's baby would help her get Kevin back, called herself Stella, faked being pregnant, and met with Primrose about adoption. Prim said that Stella would receive five thousand dollars for the baby upon delivery, but required that Jana see their doctor. Jana got Primrose to agree to accept an ultrasound and medical report instead, which she got from the Internet. Primrose got suspicious, called Billy, and accused him of sending the visitor she'd just had. Meanwhile, Michael traveled to Canada with Daniel and found Daisy, but while Michael left her hotel room to get a Mountie, Daniel let her escape so that no one would discover the identity of their baby.

Chloe and Gloria decided to find out what Jana was up to, and were arrested for breaking and entering Jana's apartment and charged with conspiracy to commit burglary and misdemeanor theft. As Jana confessed to Billy how she had been tracking Daisy's baby through a baby broker, Billy realized that Lucy was actually Daniel and Daisy's baby. He called Primrose, who assured him that there was no way that Jana could discover his identity through her.

Daniel caught Kevin and Jana researching Prim's bank account number list that Jana had photographed, so while Kevin wasn't looking, Daniel ran a magnet over the laptop, erasing the hard drive.

While visiting Jana at Billy and Victoria's, Agnes spotted the outfit she had bought for the baby at a thrift store among some donations of Lucy's that Victoria had ready for pickup. Jana was delighted to realize that Lucy was Daisy's baby, but Victoria arrived home before Jana could tell Kevin. Meanwhile, Daniel confessed to Billy that he had DNA test proof that Lucy was his daughter. Although Daniel wanted Lucy to stay with Billy and Victoria, they agreed that they needed to stop Jana who was getting too close to discovering the truth. The next morning, Billy and Victoria awoke to discover that Lucy and Delia were missing, and so was Jana. Alerts went out that the children were kidnapped, and all the Newmans, Abbotts, and Chancellors joined the police search and prayed for Jana and the children. Chloe tore into Billy about the many times she had warned him about Jana's instability and danger to their children.

Jana called Kevin to meet her at an abandoned daycare center. When he arrived, Jana handed Lucy to Kevin and informed him that she was his niece. Once Kevin understood that Billy was the person who had bought Daisy's baby, he was relieved that she was in good hands. But delusional Jana told Kevin that Lucy belonged with them, that they could reunite, leave town, and become a family together. Kevin calmly praised Jana for her devotion to him, and told her that he wanted to be with Jana and start their own family, so they needed to return the children. Jana agreed to take the children to St. Mary's church, and Kevin texted Billy with their location. But when Kevin refused to leave the children alone there, Jana realized that Kevin had tricked her and pulled a gun on him. So Kevin left with Jana to keep the children from being harmed. Murphy and Kay were at the church praying for the children's safe return when they heard Lucy's cry. They found the children as police sirens were heard approaching. Chloe, Victoria and Billy arrived with the police and reclaimed their children. Once home and safe, Billy confessed to Victoria that Lucy was bought on the black market, and that Daniel and Daisy were her real parents. Billy had to get Daniel to assure Victoria that Lucy would always be theirs.

While the police pursued Kevin and Jana as fugitives, Chloe was convinced that Kevin was being held hostage by Jana, and Chloe enlisted Katherine's help to search for Kevin with flyers and T-shirts just as he had searched for Katherine when she was missing.

Meanwhile Jana was holding Kevin at gunpoint back at the abandoned daycare center. Kevin pleaded with Jana to turn herself in, but Jana refused, locking him in the closet, convinced that if they lived there together again he would fall back in love with her. When Jana realized that Kevin was playing her, Jana flipped out. Wearing her old goth makeup and hair, she let Kevin out of the closet and reminded him that she was capable of killing him, just as she had killed Carmen Mesta. Jana called Chloe telling her to come there or Jana would kill Kevin. When Chloe arrived, Kevin (who was tied to a chair) kicked the gun out of Jana's hand. Chloe and Jana fought over gun, but Jana suddenly went limp and died. They called 911, the police arrived, and accused them of murder. Kevin was arrested for kidnapping and Chloe was taken in for questioning. The charges against Kevin were dropped after the autopsy revealed that Jana had died of a brain aneurysm. When Kevin tried to claim Jana's body for a memorial service, he was told that a relative in England had had body shipped there.

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