* All My Children Recaps: The week of April 4, 2005 on AMC | Soap Central

All My Children Recaps: The week of April 4, 2005 on AMC

Lily identified Jonathan as Edmund's killer. Jonathan trapped Kendall, Greenlee, and Lily. Tad realized that Braden wanted to kill the Lavery brothers. David tried to find out who Di really was.
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All My Children Recaps: The week of April 4, 2005 on AMC
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the week of April 4, 2005
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March 28, 2005
Following Week
April 11, 2005

Monday, April 4, 2005

Babe was conflicted about David's suggestion to tell Adam where Colby is in order to spend more time with her son. Jamie shared his thoughts about David being scum and his obsessive behavior, especially about Dixie. Babe tried to defend him but Jamie blamed David for Dixie's fatal accident. Babe said she needs her father and Jamie asked her to not trust him. Jamie assured her they'd always put the baby first and protect him from everyone else, even family.

David was at the prison, trying to find out who Di was and said she reminded him of someone he used to know. He thanked her for helping Krystal but Di only said she would be getting out soon and was creeped out by David's attention. David asked if the name Tad Martin meant anything to her and she said it did, although she doesn't know him personally. David noticed a scar on her neck which she said was from a car accident. She didn't want to talk about it and when David asked if she had children, she demanded to know why he was so interested. David tried to apologize and she decided to leave. On her way out, David said it was nice to her again and called her Dixie. She corrected him and said her name is Di and walked out.

Ethan went to see JR to discuss Kendall and Zach; Ethan needed JR's help to save his relationship and to stay a couple of steps ahead of Zach. JR promised to help, if Ethan would help him put Adam in his place as well. JR suggested he find a jailhouse snitch by paying one off. Ethan was concerned about auditors finding out and JR offered to take care of it for him if Ethan wrote him a bonus check as an employee. JR also said he wouldn't be able to help him with Kendall and her family's dislike of him, and was stunned to hear Ethan say he was planning to propose. JR thought Ethan could handle Kendall and live happily ever after. Alone, JR called Kendall and left a voicemail to offer his friendship and support.

Jonathan took Kendall's phone at gunpoint. Kendall bluffed and said she'd already called the cops, but Jonathan confirmed that there were no recent calls from that phone. Kendall lied and said her batteries were low. Jonathan only got angrier and even though Ryan wouldn't want him to hurt Kendall, Braden would.

Greenlee tried to escape but Lily could only question why Jonathan was the only bad guy they saw, never Braden. Lily freaked out when Greenlee started banging on the lock. Greenlee calmed her down and kept banging. When Kendall showed up, Greenlee was ecstatic until she saw Jonathan behind her. Greenlee put on a big act about saving Ryan and how Kendall was once again risking Ryan's life. Jonathan bit and said he wanted to save Ryan too, but this was all Braden's plan. Lily then outlined their plan to go to the police as soon as they could break the lock and escape. She asked Jonathan to open the lock. Jonathan blew up, but Greenlee kept up the act about how they all want to save Ryan and that's what Jonathan wants to do too. Kendall was argumentative so Greenlee stepped on her foot while continuing to suck up to Jonathan. Greenlee suggested Jonathan call Ryan and explain how he's trying to help him. After Jonathan left, Greenlee and Kendall argued as Greenlee tried to explain her plan to keep them alive and then realized that Kendall was starting to believe that Ethan was lying. They argued some more and Lily wondered if Kendall lived in la-la land, denial, or Pine Valley.

Zach showed up and interrupted Tad and Ryan who were about to open the latest clue from Braden. Zach said he was there to help but Ryan blamed Zach for all the trouble. Zach admitted he'd been searching for Braden for months. They argued and Ryan blamed Zach for making Ethan the man he'd become. Tad called Zach guilty even if he wasn't a killer. They argued about Maria. They told Zach they didn't want his help. Zach reminded Ryan that he'd damned Zach and his brother and that he'd never see Braden if Zach finds him first. After Zach left, they opened the clue that had been left and it read "One brother safe and alive. One brother left behind. One brother on the run. Three brothers equal none." They were both confused and Tad left to find Zach's goons and Ryan got a phone call from Jonathan.

Tuesday, April 5, 2005

Aidan visited Maria to see how she was holding up. She asked Aidan to tell her the truth about her husband. Aidan confessed to Maria that Edmund did in fact pay Bobby to set up Zach. Unwilling to believe such a thing, Maria told Aidan that it was impossible because Edmund swore to her that he had nothing to do with Bobby. Needing some air, Maria went for a walk. As Zach relived tender moments with Maria (Maureen) in his mind, Maria came upon him. Zach let her know that he was there not to see her, but to see the place he first saw her when he arrived in Pine Valley. Visibly hurt by Maria's distrust he said the he was there only to say goodbye to Maureen. Zach told Maria that because she believed Ethan, he knew that the woman he loved no longer existed. Maria tried to explain her decision, but Zach told her there was no reason to rehash things. She had made her decision, now he had made his.

Ethan intruded on Erica and Myrtle, and demanded to know Kendall's whereabouts. After much sparring, Ethan pleaded his case to Myrtle about the love he feels for Kendall. Myrtle told him that she knew he was lying and the lie will blow up in his face.

Kendall, Greenlee and Lily, still being held prisoner in the mine shaft, look for a way out. Greenlee on the verge of a very bad attack of claustrophobia, starts to panic. Kendall talked her down as she stroked her hair, and described to Greenlee a serene setting complete with a pink perfect baby girl. Greenlee recovered from the attack and lily announced that she had found a way out of the cave through a very narrow hole. Sizing up Kendall, Lily decides she is the only one who could fit through. While trying to escape and just as Kendall is almost through the small opening, they were caught by Jonathan. Greenlee again begged him to tell Ryan where they were, but he said no. Jonathan then told them about Braden's plan; for Jonathan to kill them all.

Wednesday, April 6, 2005

Erica leaves Kendall a message, asking her to call back when she returns from "thinking things through" about Ethan. Her doorbell rings and it's Adam. He jokes that he will not marry her again when he notices an arrangement of flowers in her hands. She asks why he is there. He tells her that he wants revenge and explains what happened with David and their botched agreement. Adam tries to convince Erica to befriend David, make him believe that she has forgiven him to get Liza's whereabouts and then double-cross him. Although Erica believes in Adam's cause, she wants to know what is in it for her. When he asks her what she wants, she tells him that she would love to have her own television show. She goes on to say that it would be called "New Beginnings" and would be a reality/interview show, which will help women who are stuck in their current lives. She jokingly adds that she'll match her knowledge of marriage against Dr. Phil, anytime. Adam laughs and after some stroking of each other's egos, they make a deal.

Maria finds Brooke waiting in her living room. She tells her that she is not in the mood to deal with her and tells her to go home. Brooke replies that she can't go because Edmund's lawyer asked her to be there for the reading of Edmund's will. Maria is surprised that she forgot about it and wonders why Jackson did not contact her. The doorbell rings and Livia is let in with a man and tells Maria that Jackson is in the middle of a family crisis and has asked her to take over for him. Livia introduces the man with her as Lloyd Nutley, Edmund's divorce attorney, and tells Maria that he contacted them. Lloyd informs them that after Edmund filed for divorce, he contacted him to draw up a new will. Confused, Maria tells him that they dropped their divorce petitions and that the old will should still stand. He tells her that he contacted Edmund immediately after she dropped her petition and Edmund was insistent on proceeding with his own petition. Maria doesn't understand and says that it may have been that way in the beginning, but they had reconciled and were committed to working things out. He tells her that he spoke with Edmund the day before he died and that he was still determined to proceed with the divorce. Maria is stunned. Livia tells Maria that Edmund left all of his properties and money to Sam and Maddie. Maria asks if he even mentions her in his will. Livia says yes and reads, "To my ex-wife, I leave my best wishes. May she be granted conjugal visits with her lover, Zach Slater." Hurt by his words, Maria asks what he left Brooke. Livia reads that she is to receive all of his Fusion stock, his library of first editions, his Pulitzer Prize and the rights to the publication of his authorship. She goes on to say that Brooke has been made the executor of his will and the trustee to the children's estate. Maria is in shock and disbelief. She lashes out at Brooke and accuses her of setting this up and trying to ruin her marriage since she and Edmund were reunited. She tells Brooke that she will not let Edmund reward her for it. She informs Edmund's lawyer that since the will stated that Maria was his ex-wife and that they were still legally married at the time of his death, she will fight it. He starts to object, but Livia agrees that they have a case. Just then, Sam and Maddie walk into the room. Maria tells them that are interrupting something important and asks that they go upstairs. Sam asks Edmund's lawyer to confirm that she can't order them around anymore. Maddie adds that this is their house now. They walk over to Brooke and tell her that their dad trusted her, not their mother, and they know that she is in charge now. Maria objects and says that it is a misunderstanding. Sam says that their dad made it very clear. Brooke looks very uncomfortable as they ask her to make Maria leave.

J.R. and Palmer are at the hospital, discussing the plan to have J.R. replace Adam's position on the Board. Palmer assures him that it will not be a problem, but asks why he would want to replace his father. J.R. explains how Adam betrayed him by cutting a deal with David and now he will pay for it. David walks into the room and makes a remark about J.R. biting the hand that feeds him. J.R. notices Babe walk up behind David and tells him to take out the trash. David asks her why she is there and she tells him that she thought that she knew him, but she was wrong. Palmer jokes with J.R. about the joy of watching David's custodial duties and J.R. tells him that he has much worse planned for him. He notices Joe give Anita a key to the E.R.'s medicine cabinet. He comes over to her and distracts her with an apology about his actions towards her and Bianca. When he mentions Edmund, she gets upset and he grabs the key as he comforts her with a hug. Babe tells David what she knows about his past. He says that he is not proud about what he did and assures her that she is the most important thing to him and he promises that he will not betray Liza to Adam. J.R. walks up to them and makes a snide remark that angers David. Babe drags David away from him and reminds him that hitting him won't help them. As they talk, J.R. strolls up to David's cleaning cart and plants a bottle of pills in it. Babe and David walk back over to J.R. and he makes another remark. This prompts Babe to shove J.R. into David's cart and the bottle of pills fall onto the floor. Joe notices the bottle and picks it up. He reads the label and tells David that he has some explaining to do. David replies that he has never seen the bottle before and adds that he would need a key to get access to the E.R.'s medicine cabinet, anyway. Joe then inspects David's cart and finds the key in it. Babe asks what it is and David replies that it's all J.R. needs to frame him. Joe asks him if he stole the key and pills and David asks Joe why he would do such a thing. J.R. makes a comment about the street value on the drugs and says that he'll call the police.

Ryan is shaken by the dream that he had of his father. Tad walks into the room and asks him what is wrong. He tells him and says that he needs to be alone to figure out the clues. Tad reminds him that Braden is very dangerous, so don't go off alone to be a hero. Ryan can't figure out why Braden wants him dead. Tad tells him that he is psychotic and irrational. He goes on to say that one thing is certain, the last line of his clues stating that "three brothers equal zero" means that he plans to kill both of his brothers and then himself...or he'll have the police do it. Ryan suspects that they are being purposely distracted by their location and starts to worry that he should go back to Pine Valley. As they get ready to go, he hears Greenlee shout out. Tad doesn't hear it. Ryan is convinced that she is in danger. Tad tries to assure him that she is safely at Lily's school and leaves the room to check in with the police. When he returns, Ryan is gone. He hears someone approaching and hides behind the door. It turns out to be Aidan, who has some important news about the prescription that he found in Braden's shrine. After he tells Tad what he discovered, Tad says that they need to find Ryan and they run out of there.

Jonathan yells at Greenlee that he can't trust her and killing them is the only way. Greenlee pleads with him and says that if he harms her, Ryan will be devastated and would never forgive him. She goes on to say that Ryan loves her more than his own life. Jonathan tells her that Braden's new plan is to kill her because Ryan would suffer more if he had to go on without her. Lily starts to ask Jonathan where Braden is, saying that it doesn't make sense for him to hurt Ryan just because Braden wants him to...unless he also wants to hurt Ryan. Jonathan starts screaming at her to shut up and slams his gun into the bars. Lily gets scared and starts to cry. Greenlee tries to comfort her and tells Jonathan to calm down. Kendall interjects that she is not part of Braden's plan and asks him to let her go. She tries to convince him that Ryan would be happy if she was dead and she is of no use to Braden. She goes on to say that Lily should be allowed to leave with her and that he can keep Greenlee and kill her. Greenlee and Kendall start to argue with each other, while Jonathan tells them to stop. Their argument turns physical and they start to wrestle, as they loudly trade insults. Jonathan unlocks the gate and enters the "cell" to break them apart. When he pulls Kendall off of her, Greenlee grabs a wooden board and hits Jonathan in the stomach. He is winded and they both grab his head and slam it into a crate, knocking him unconscious. Kendall jokes that she doesn't believe Greenlee when she tries to assure her that she didn't mean what she said. Lily is very upset by the whole scene and starts to lose it. They run over to her and try to explain that they were only acting to trick Jonathan. Greenlee starts to count with her, which calms her down. Lily and Greenlee get past Jonathan to escape. As Kendall tries to do so, Jonathan comes to and grabs her leg. He makes all three of them go back into the cell. He yells at Greenlee for trying to escape. She tells him that Braden will do much worse to him and calls him stupid. He hits her and she falls down. He starts yelling at her again and she tells him that if he kills them, he has nothing. Lily tells them that he cannot kill them because he doesn't have the shovel that he used to kill Edmund. They are shocked by her revelation.

Thursday, April 7, 2005

The confrontation at the hospital rages on, with JR accusing David of stealing the key to the medicine cabinet and stealing some highly addictive drugs out of it. Joe tries to maintain a sense of order, but JR is hell bent on seeing David pay for his "crimes." He starts to call for security but Joe intercepts, saying that JR doesn't have the power to override him as he isn't a board member yet. David proclaims that JR set him up, and Babe asks her ex to put an end to his revenge plans. A security guard shows up and JR indicates that David is the culprit. Joe holds the guard at bay by saying that the theft isn't David's style. He has seen the things David has managed to pull off - and they have all been meticulously planned and carried out. Before JR can go on trying to convince everyone he is telling the truth, Anita strides back over, demanding JR give back what he stole. Hoping to cover his tracks, JR asks her what is wrong, and if she needs another hug. Infuriated, Anita insists he give back the key to the drug cabinet that he stole. Anita calls JR out on what he did and how, and faced with that truth, JR tries to escape being openly scorned by labeling Anita's story bull. He starts to walk away, but Joe asks to speak with him privately in a cubicle.

Once behind closed doors, JR tries to act as if he doesn't have time (nor does he need) a lesson or a lecture that one would give a kid. Joe tells him that if he wants to be treated as a man, he needs to act like one - not a machine. He goes on to say that JR's emotions are all out of control and they are making him behave just like David. Joe then reminds JR that he is bright and talented and could do so much more with his time than he is doing now. He is afraid that if JR doesn't stop and realize where he is headed, he will lose the one thing that matters most to him: Little Adam. He then asks JR if he wants his son's only memory of his father to be the man who was sent up because he was so obsessed with revenge.

A short time later, Babe runs up to Anita to thank her for saving David from the trouble he was headed for. Anita tells her that she hates what Babe and David did to Bianca and her family - but she will always tell the truth, no matter who it saves. However, Anita follows by saying that a perfect day would be one without Babe or her father. She walks off and leaves Babe alone with David. He tries to convince her that what she witnessed - JR's endless rage - is the very reason why he cut a deal with Adam. She dryly laughs it off, noting that David's attempt to help made JR meaner and angrier than before. Punctuating that statement, Joe and JR re-enter the hallway, where JR blows off Joe's talk as if it had no effect. Joe insists that if he ever needs to confide in someone, that JR consider coming to either Tad or himself. JR blows off the invitation for a heart to heart in a similar fashion. As Joe takes his leave, Babe approaches JR, asking to talk. As David listens in, she wants to know what she can do to end JR's campaign of hate. After he creates an impossible scenario in which he would stop attacking her and her parents, Babe tells him she wishes Dixie was still around. She feels that there is no way she could have hated Babe more than JR and Adam do. She also feels that Dixie would have understood why Babe did what she did, because Dixie lived through the same things when she was married to Adam. She thinks that if Dixie were alive, she would have reached out to Babe - and she would have made sure that JR grew up to be the man she wanted him to be. As usual, JR is aggravated by Babe's words and stalks off.

Erica arrives at the prison to visit with Krystal. After the guard falls all over herself trying to make Erica comfortable, she fades into the background as Erica approaches Krystal. Sitting at a table, absently shuffling cards, Krystal eyes her foe warily. After an attempt to make small talk, Erica makes her business very clear: Babe knows where Liza and Colby are. Adam wants the address, and Erica is sure that before she leaves, Krystal will get that address for her. Smirking, Krystal acknowledges that she found out about David's deal with Adam, adding that she nixed the plan - as did Babe. Erica thinks David made a mistake in reneging on his offer. She thinks that by helping Adam get back his little girl, David could earn points towards repaying the debt he incurred by keeping Miranda from Bianca. She goes on to tell Krystal that even though David blew off his chance for salvation, it's not too late for her to reap the benefits. Erica thinks that because of her clout at the prison, she could get Krystal out of jail in no time. Initially, Krystal seems to be considering her offer. Then, she reveals that she has a new way of living - she no longer cuts someone else a raw deal just to get something good for herself. Briefly noting that her newfound mantra would have come in handy with regard to Bianca and Miranda, Erica doesn't give up easily. She next offers a helping hand to Babe: if Krystal gives up the information Adam wants, Erica can make sure that Babe's life will be much easier with respect to her dealings with the Chandlers. In addition, she also offers to get special privileges for Krystal within the prison. Krystal is suspicious of why Erica would offer such things to people she wants to see suffer - but Erica's answer is simple: Adam did her a favor, and she wants to pay him back in kind. Krystal then points out that Liza did a bunch of favors for Babe, and there is no way her payback will be having her daughter given back to Adam.

At that moment, Di comes in from a side door, dressed in street clothes. She overhears the conversation between Krystal and Erica and stays out of sight so that she can continue to listen in. Just then, Erica decides she is done being nice and insists that Krystal stop trying to pull a "holier than thou" act. She tells Krystal that everyone knows what she did and why she is in jail, and she deserves everything she has coming to her. Krystal is far from denying her wrongdoings, but isn't about to let Erica get away so easily. She tells Erica that she's read all of the stories about her past and she knows that Erica was in this very prison for doing the same things that Krystal did. Disgusted, Krystal declares the meeting over, and calls to a guard to let Erica out. Before she goes, Erica urges Krystal to reconsider - because Babe's life outside and Krystal's life inside will be much worse without her help. After she leaves, Di reveals herself from the shadows and approaches Krystal, announcing that she's being released. Krystal asks if Di could play messenger on her way out of town - delivering some letters she was going to mail. Di tells her that she would, but she's traveling light and fast - so that she can make a brand new start. Krystal, understanding, notes that she doesn't know much more about Di than the day they met, and that Di seems to like it that way. Krystal bids her farewell and leaves the room. Di turns around to leave, and is met by David. He says that he has an offer for her.

Maria tries to put her foot down at Wildwind when her children try to tell her to leave. Not swayed so easily, Maddie deftly explains that because Edmund left the estate to her and Sam, they had every right to kick her out. Maria still resists their demands, and so they ask Livia to explain to their mother what seems so simple to them. Then, Brooke butts in and says that no one will be leaving the house. Incensed, Maria informs Brooke that her help is not needed when it comes to handling her children. Not surprisingly, Brooke disagrees. Livia then drags a protesting Maria into the next room so that Brooke can speak freely with Sam and Maddie, and they with her. Brooke tells the children that even though she is the executor of their father's estate, Maria will remain their mother and legal guardian - nothing in the will changes that. Sam points out that the will put Brooke in charge of everything. Be that as it may, Brooke lets them know that she may be in charge as a business partner and as a friend, but not as a replacement mother. In the next room, Maria lets on how flabbergasted she is by what was revealed in the will. Livia tells her that they can work out contesting the will on another day. At that moment, they are both needed in the living room, to help settle things with the children.

They re-enter the living room to find Brooke telling Sam and Maddie that the situation they are in now is not a battle, but rather a time to be survived...and that can only be done if everyone sticks together. It no longer matters who's right and who's wrong - it only matters that everyone let go of the anger. Brooke tells the kids that if they don't, they will only succeed in ripping everyone involved (family and friends) apart. Brooke finishes by saying that all the adults in the room have the same goal: to see the kids happy. She then notes that she is more in the way now than anything else, tells Livia that she will call her and bids everyone goodbye. Moments later, the kids follow suit, ignoring Maria's attempt to reestablish her role as mother. When she is finally alone again with Livia, Maria starts to spout off again about how Brooke wanted Edmund until the very end, and how she was behind the new will. Livia counters and says that even though Edmund's death and the will have rocked Maria's world, she cannot blame it on Brooke. Maria announces that Brooke is a liar, but Livia counters again and says that not only did Brooke tell her the truth, but it was confirmed by the will. She reminds Maria that Edmund never revoked the divorce petition and that whatever proposal of reconciliation he offered was a cover up. Overwhelmed, Maria asks Livia to leave. Before going, Livia apologizes for being so blunt but notes that there is no point in keeping the lie alive. After she leaves, Maria is still in denial and she says that she has a way to prove that Edmund didn't lie to her. She goes into the next room and pulls out Edmund's laptop. She looks at some records, but can't believe what she's seeing. She picks up the phone and announces herself as Edmund's wife. She asks the other party if he can come to Wildwind because she needs to talk to him in person about something really important. After confirming the time, she ends the call.

A short time later, Edmund's secret physical therapist arrives and Maria shows him into the living room. After exchanging pleasantries, he asks if there is something specific that she wanted to know about Edmund's therapy. She tells him that she just wanted to know about his progress. She then tells him that one of the hardest things for Edmund was being seen by the kids and herself in the wheelchair. The therapist agreed, and follows by saying that had to be true early on. However, Edmund proved to be one of the few miracles he saw in his practice. He then informs her that he almost couldn't believe it when Edmund started walking again.

Ethan strides into the Fusion offices looking for Kendall. He finds Simone there and tells her that Kendall didn't come home last night. Simone offers that if they got into a fight, perhaps that would explain her absence. She then makes a passing comment about how she gave Kendall advice, but that it must have been ignored. This piques Ethan's interest, but Simone declines to go on. She explains that she is in the middle of working on a campaign, and seeing how he is her boss, she doesn't want to bring personal matters in the office. Regardless, Ethan demands that Simone tell him exactly what she knows about Kendall that he doesn't already know. After he invades her personal space and she makes a quip about being close to losing all respect for boundaries, she confesses that her earlier remark was about drugs. Hoping to leave it at that, she walks back over to her desk, but a confused Ethan can't let it go. She finally admits the whole truth - that she had been trying to convince Kendall to give him the same truth serum they gave Jonathan when they were trying to uncover the truth about Greenlee's poisoning. Slightly stunned and speechless, Ethan just stares at her, hoping there is more of an explanation. She tells him that the rumor is Kendall has a reason to doubt him. Infuriated, Ethan spouts off about how Kendall's family had finally found a way to wear her down. Unfazed, Simone then asks if everyone was right - did he or did he not see his father kill Edmund?

Simone tells Ethan he doesn't owe her anything - but she highly suggests that if he didn't see his father kill Edmund, he'd better tell Kendall before she finds out on her own. If he doesn't, and the truth makes its way to Kendall, Simone is sure that Ethan will be out of her life for good. She explains that the theory about Braden killing Edmund because of his whacked out brother makes sense. In turn, that makes Ethan the man that lied to the woman he loves. At that moment, Ethan admits that he does love Kendall - more than any woman he'd ever loved before. Simone tells him if his confession is true, he needs to know a secret about Kendall before he trashes both of their lives. She tells him that if Kendall finds out he lied before he has a chance to confess, she will hold a grudge against him forever. Ethan asks how she knows that to be true, and she reminds him that Kendall dated his uncle Michael. She tells him that despite all of the things her family and friends said, she stood by him and defended him. Simone tells Ethan that he needs to be the man Kendall needs him to be: kill the lie, and then bury it. He leaves a little while later, calling Kendall and leaving her a message on his way out.

At the caves, Lily says that Jonathan is incapable of killing his three captives because he doesn't have a shovel. This stuns all people present, mostly Kendall, who has up until now, been a staunch Ethan supporter. Even though Kendall and Greenlee try to find a couple of different ways to stop Lily from revealing the truth about Edmund's murder, Lily is unmoved. Jonathan, quickly getting agitated, starts to wave the gun around menacingly. Greenlee makes one last ditch effort by telling Lily that if she didn't remain quiet, Jonathan would kill them. Pausing only for a moment, Lily then launches into a detailed account of what happened that night - from Jonathan's movements to Edmund walking to the actual murder. Kendall protests this version, simply because it negates what Ethan told her - and thus his solemn promise on their love. Greenlee tries to turn things around, to somehow placate Jonathan but to no avail: before she could try to re-tell the story again, Jonathan cracks and admits he did exactly what Lily accused him of doing. Kendall immediately calls him a liar and starts to flip out a little bit more because she desperately needs for Ethan to be telling her the truth. Jonathan says he will tell them the whole story, but from the other side of the bars. He backs out of the cell and re-locks them inside. He them admits that he killed Edmund because Braden told him to. Braden knew that Edmund would be able to ID him as Ryan's shooter from the murder game. This is the last straw, and Kendall screams about how Zach had to be the guilty one and that there was only one credible witness: Ethan. She then tells Jonathan that he is completely crazy. Realizing that running her mouth would only get her hurt, Greenlee grabs Kendall and attempts to yank her back from the proverbial edge. She reminds Kendall that Ethan is a complete liar, and whether she wants to strangle him or hug him, it won't matter if they don't make it out alive.

Kendall doesn't stay quiet for long. She starts berating Jonathan as she walks closer and closer to where he stands at the bars with his gun. She calls him weak, pathetic and a loser, and when she gets close enough, he grabs a fistful of her hair and jams the gun into her ribs. Before he can get too violent with her, Greenlee tries to placate him once again by saying that they all believe that he can kill someone - when he has to, when it's necessary. She tells Jonathan that he is a hero to both of his brothers and thanks him for keeping her husband alive. Duly calmed, Jonathan releases his grip on Kendall and backs away from the bars. Greenlee supports her old friend and asks if she is okay. Kendall simply says what she fought so hard against: that Ethan swore on their love - and then lied.

After everyone calms down a little bit, they start scheming about how to conquer Jonathan. They know that any attack to his manhood will make him crazed. Greenlee is determined to goad him into a frenzy, but Kendall is hesitant. Without waiting, Greenlee launches her attack. After a few moments, when she sees that it's working, Kendall joins in on the taunting. They get louder and laugh longer in an effort to get Jonathan to unlock the gate. When he does, they rush him and knock him to the ground.

Erica enters the gym and approaches her trainer. She claims to have had a horrible day and wants to know if she can move her appointment up from tomorrow. He tells her that he can't because the hour is already booked. She tries to convince him to give her the slot anyway, because his appointment is late - but just then, she arrives. Erica is determined to convince the woman to give up her time, and turns around to find Brooke. She tries to convince Brooke to reschedule but Brooke is in no mood to deal with Erica. Shortly thereafter, another woman arrives and usurps the spot from both of them. Upset, Erica uses this as an excuse to lay into Brooke once again. After a few moments of badgering, Brooke admits that Edmund cut Maria out of the will and put her in charge of everything. Erica is forced to admit that Edmund's decision was the smartest thing he could have done, because everyone knows that Brooke is the one person that could be trusted to safeguard the future for his children.

Friday, April 8, 2005

As Babe is cleaning around her and Jamie's apartment, she finds one of little Adam's toys. She hears baby noises and when she opens her front door, she is surprised to see Adam and little Adam standing before her. Babe invites him inside and asks him what he is up to. She thinks Adam is going to say she broke her visitation rules, but he assures that is not the case. Adam says that JR has no idea he is there and decided to come there himself. They sit on the couch and he allows Babe to hold little Adam. When she takes his jacket off, she sees his "daddy rules" shirt and looks at Adam. Adam notes that JR dressed him that morning. As Babe guessed, Adam was there to try to convince her to give up where Liza was hiding Colby. If she did, she could see little Adam as much as she would like, he adds. Babe refuses to say where they are, so Adam goes with his next approach and shows her a picture of Colby when she was little Adam's age. He tells Babe that he misses his daughter and he just wants to spend time with her, not take her away from Liza. As tempting as his offer is, Babe continues to refuses until he brings up her mother. Adam claims that he will get Krystal released from jail earlier and allow her, as well as Babe, to see little Adam as much as they would like. Babe asks little Adam what he thinks and she says her son is right. She hands him back to Adam and keeps her lips sealed about Liza and Colby's location. Before leaving, Adam tells her that she has made a mistake. Not only will see barely see her son, but her mother will continue to rot in prison, he says.

Di refuses David's offer to let him help her start a new life. As she walks towards the cell bars to leave, David says that he has money. Di is insulted and thinks that he is trying to buy her affections. David tells her that is not what his intentions are and that he expects nothing in return. Di is suspicious, even when David says that he just wants to help her. She tells him no thanks once more, but before she can leave, David slips her his telephone number and watches her leave. Krystal overhears David trying to make a deal with Di and asks him what is going on. David tells her nothing, he just wanted to help. Krystal realizes David is hiding something, but he keeps his mouth shut. Krystal thinks it is about Liza and Colby, but David says that it is not and as promised, he has not mentioned anything to Adam. Krystal warns him that if he does, he will lose her and Babe. David doubts Krystal's love for Babe, saying she is not the woman who used to be willing to do anything for her. Krystal says he is right, she is not willing to hurt other people anymore to help Babe. David feels as though he is the only one looking out for their daughter. He leaves on a bad note with Krystal, who is forced to face the mob of women without Di. The women tell her that it's good for Di to be out of prison, but bad news for her. They begin approaching her with a black cloth, as though as they are going to cover her with it.

Tad and Aidan pay Zach a visit at his casino and ask for his help to find Braden. Zach reminds him that they refused his help last time and told him to go to hell. Tad said that the second part of the offer still stands, but that they need his security camera footage from the night of the murder game. Zach says he gave it all to the police. Aidan tells him he only gave the police footage of the players, not of the other parts that night. Tad and Aidan tell him that they have a theory and the tapes might be able to prove their theory right. Zach decides to help and they begin with footage at the bar where they catch Braden having a drink. Jonathan comes into the bar and has some words with Braden. Braden looks unhappy and pushes Jonathan. They leave the bar and Zach gets the continuation footage outside of the bar. Again, Jonathan seems to be pleading with Braden, but Braden does not listen and only yells at Jonathan. Jamie comes in to find Tad and tells him privately that Adam is on Liza and Colby's trail. Tad calls Liza to let her know and asks them to hang tight.

Ethan tries to call Kendall from his office, but is saddened when he gets her voice mail again. He leaves a message for her to call him as JR walks through the door with glee. JR tells him that he found an inmate who was in jail with Zach and is willing to take their deal. Ethan tells him that he is not sure about lying to Kendall anymore just to get revenge on his father. Ethan decides that he going to tell Kendall the truth because he swore on his love for her that he would not lie, but JR counters that is pure suicide. JR thinks that if he tells Kendall the truth, she will be nothing but hurt and distraught. Ethan says he won't lose Kendall just to get revenge, but JR says that with their inmate on their side, he can have his cake and eat it too. If Kendall were to find out Ethan lied to her and that her family was right about him, JR thinks she would be destroyed. Ethan argues that Kendall told him if he lied about Zach, but told her the truth, she would forgive him. It's a little too late for that, JR says. Ethan asks JR if they can trust the inmate and JR assures him that the inmate will do what they want for not that much money. Ethan tells JR he has to go take care of something. JR warns him not to do anything foolish. After Ethan leaves, JR sits at Ethan's desk and envisions Kendall running in, crying and upset after finding out that Ethan lied to her. JR gives her a hug and she tells him that he was right in the first place. The daydream ends her giving him a kiss.

As Greenlee and Kendall continue to try to overpower Jonathan, he pushes Greenlee against a wall and Kendall to the ground. When Jonathan scurries to get the gun, Lily has it aimed at his face. Kendall tells Lily to give her the gun, but Jonathan fires back-he says that if she does not give him the gun, she will see "red" and hear lots of loud noises. Greenlee pleads with Lily not to listen to Jonathan because he is tricking her. Jonathan tries another tactic and tells Lily that the gun does not belong to her. If she does not give it back to him, the owner, she will be stealing it and she is not allowed to steal because it is wrong, he says. When Lily begins to hand the gun to Jonathan, Kendall jumps in and a shot is fired. No one is hurt, but Jonathan is beyond angry. He demands that they all stand together, but Lily is sitting down rocking back and forth. He lets Lily sit and locks Kendall and Greenlee in another cage next to the one that have been staying in. Greenlee and Kendall tell Lily that everything will be fine as she continues rocking back and forth. Jonathan screams at Greenlee and Kendall, calling them names and bluntly admitting his hatred for them, for all women. Jonathan tells Greenlee he has to kill her because Braden told him to. Greenlee tries talking her way out of a bullet again by praising Jonathan for helping Ryan. She says that they can all be a family again if he stops taking orders from Braden. Kendall pushes Greenlee to keep buttering him up and finally, Jonathan seems that he is not sure what to do. He asks Greenlee when Lily will stop rocking. Greenlee and Kendall say that are not sure, its whenever she feels safe and comfortable enough to. A voice outside says, "I'm here."



Poppy is arrested for murder on The Bold and The Beautiful
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