* The 17th Annual Golden Donut Awards: The Best of DAYS 2023 (DAYS Two Scoops Commentary for December 25, 2023) | Soap Central

The 17th Annual Golden Donut Awards: The Best of DAYS 2023

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Grab a glass of something sparkly, a snack or seventeen, and get ready to party! We're here for the love of all things DAYS, and it's going to get gushy. So, celebrate simply the best with Two Scoopers Laurisa and Tony as they present the 17th Annual Golden Donut Awards: The Best of DAYS 2023!

The divine Tina Turner once sang, "Simply the best. Better than all the rest." And that's simply how we see Team DAYS. While certain Salemites and actors will receive cyber statuettes, our hearts are on fire for the cast and crew who've navigated behind-the-scenes turmoil and kept producing a great product. We appreciate the decades of dedication to keeping us entertained, cliffhung, and talking about our favorite show with one another, and we're so excited to see what magic they'll do in a healthier and happier work environment!

So, in honor of the house that Tom and Alice built, grab something festive to sip, some Sweet Bits snacks, perhaps, and let's get golden! And from the bottom of our Two-Scooping hearts, we thank you all for joining us as we celebrate the Seventeenth Annual Golden Donut Awards: The Best of DAYS 2023! And the winners are...

Best Debut: New to the show or newly returned, we were thrilled to see them

Laurisa: Ashley Puzemis as Holly Jonas
The show attempted something really great here. Rather than bring in a new character, they suddenly started showing one who has technically been in Salem all this time. So, she doesn't have the "meet and greet" scenes. Everyone should already know her. Thus, Holly had to jump into instant familiarity with Nicole, Eric, E.J., and Johnny. Ashley Puzemis' respective chemistry with all the actors is something very special.

Tony: Lamon Archey and Sal Stowers as Eli Grant and Lani Price-Grant
Julie and I might not agree on many things -- on most things -- but we both have a heart full of love for Eli and Lani. And Jules and Carver, too, of course! So, amid Abe's abduction storyline, it was amazing to welcome them home to Salem.

We first caught up with Lamon. This charming gent didn't miss a beat stepping back into Eli's heroic shoes. Then, Sal returned as Lani, and we were just as excited as Eli to see her again. They're both such rich characters who are woven into the fabric of Salem. They need to be around more often. Still, "Elani" turned out to be the heroes we needed, and though the visit was brief, watching these two talented thespians again was nothing short of splendid.

Best Special Guest Star/Recurring Character

Laurisa: Terrell Ransom Jr. as Jerry Prentiss
The Abe storyline was packed with awesome returns, but this one carried a little more sparkle. Longtime viewers recognized Terrell Ransom Jr. from playing child Theo from 2008 to 2015. The fact that he was back to play the casted version of amnesiac Abe's son was a delight. Watching Terell share scenes again with James Reynolds was very special. This one hit the bull's-eye on the fan service dartboard.

Tony: Dick van Dyke as "Mystery Man" (Timothy Robicheaux)
Okay, other soaps, raise your hand if you had a certified American Treasure Guest Star on your show in 2023. Anyone. Anyone? I didn't think so. Okay. Apologies, but it's okay to brag sometimes because, you know...

Dick van Dyke was on DAYS! Are you kidding me!? That's a sweep that's as epic as epic can be. I loved how the entire event came to be, too. Dick van Dyke and Drake Hogestyn work out at the same gym. Dick kidded, "Why don't they ever hire any old people on that show?" The rest is literal TV history.

Dick's guest stint was joyous from the first scene. You could tell all the actors, including those in the background, could barely contain smiles. I can't blame them. I was smiling, too!

Still, this wasn't simply a lucky casting happenstance for DAYS. Dick's acting chops are as sharp as ever, and his charismatic take on the character made the storyline compelling. Because we cared for this "Mystery Man," we wanted only good things for him. "Good" turned out to be "great" when he was reunited with his son, John, and both of their murky pasts got a lot merrier. Now, let's all head to Timothy's new pad for margaritas and karaoke!

Most Improved: It's not always doom and gloom in Salem! What's taken a turn for the better?

Laurisa: Johnny DiMera
After spending way too long watching him not launch any type of real career, fight with his dad over the right to date Ava, and in an excruciating love triangle with his painful sister, this is the year Johnny finally got his groove back. Despite all the talk of Johnny being a player, he's really been a one-woman fella. So, bringing him back together with Chanel -- with her choosing him -- felt right for the show. He's buried the hatchet with his dad, forming quite the delightful chemistry between Carson Boatman and Dan Feuerriegel. Johnny worships the endlessly charming Chanel the way all the audience does. The callback to Johnny mentioning his cancer was a nice way to add nuance to the character. And don't even get me started on his love for his crazy granny Susan. It's kind of no wonder Holly and Chanel are both in love with the fella! He's a catch this year!

Tony: Leo Stark and Dimitri Von Leuschner
As I confessed in a recent Two Scoops, "I never thought I'd be Grinch heart-growing for Leo and Dimitri, but I'm loving them lately." Greg Rikaart and Peter Porte are both brilliant actors, and together, their chemistry is endlessly engaging. They're very "Leopold and Loeb" meet "Kate and Leopold."

In addition to the true crime meets romcom aspect, Leo and Dimitri also set a unique precedent for couples. Usually watching Salemites get together is the most interesting part. In this case, watching them be together was more enthralling. Of course, now they're no more, but both fought for their love once, and we suspect they'll keep fighting and scheming until they end up together again. So, watch out Sloan, Super-Max, and Ms. Jackie Cox!

Best Villain

Laurisa: Victor Kiriakis
He's one of the best in the biz, and for many reasons, this pick is very bittersweet. Sure, it's easy to make this a Lifetime Scheming Achievement Award. But this villain pick holds up, as his last act on this earth was one of deception -- but in the most delightful Victor way! His last will stirred up a family secret that we're still left wondering if he did out of malice or protection. That's the mark of a truly great villain.

Tony: Megan Thee DiMera
Channel your inner Shania and croon, "Let's go girls," because Megan makes the best possible heir to Stefano ever. Sorry, sons, but Ms. DiMera has the brains, sass, and fortitude to hold down decades-plus plans -- that's pure Stefano right there. She's cunning and ruthless and has the menacing laugh of a sinister mofo you just don't want to mess with. While her time in Salem ended WAY too soon, we know Megan will rise again like her papa, the Phoenix, and we can't wait to welcome home the fire that is the magnificent Miranda Wilson!

Best Hero

Laurisa: Sonny Kiriakis
Most often, heroes are the one who solve the crime or save the kidnapped. But this year, Sonny became my hero for his strength and utter aversion to BS. His speech at Victor's funeral was one of the best. It reminds us that the character of Sonny always possessed a reserved amount of chill, and that calming force was a celebration as he spoke of his Uncle Vic. Conversely, when someone this chill loses his cool, you know it's warranted. So, Sonny coming over to Alex's apartment and telling Alex to get over his pity party and remember that Justin is his real father -- no matter what -- had me standing and applauding in my living room. I know he's living his best life in New Zealand, but I wouldn't be opposed to Sonny and Anna teaming up to visit Salemites who've truly gone off the logic rails and set them straight.

Tony: Jada Hunter
I live for the sparkle in Jada's eyes when she's onto something good! Sorry. That's Detective Jada "Christmas Lovin'" "Day Drinkin'" Hunter, and let's be honest, if you call the Salem PD in need of help, you want her to answer. From investigating cases to family matters to matters of the heart, Jada gets things done! And she gets them done with bravery, grace, intelligence, and love. She's like all three of Charlie's Angels and Wonder Woman in one fantabulous being brought to life by the electric Elia Cantu, whom I really can't say enough kind things about if I tried. Respect. Simply mad respect.

Best Brawl: Me-ouch! Be it catty comments or full-fledged fist fights, the best battle of 2023!

Laurisa: Marlena, Kate, and Kayla vs. Hell
As they say, when you've been through hell and back together, the friendship is for life. Kate, Mar, and Kayla sported some fabulous all-white ensembles to square off with the likes of Nick Fallon and imaginary Susan and Adrienne. Perhaps any one of them on their own couldn't have made it. But as a trio, we never doubted that they'd come out on top. One of the true gifts of the last few years has been making these three friends.

Tony: John Black vs. "Auntie" Viv
Though "Snark vs. Stark" -- that's E.J. and Leo's contentious confrontations in the confession room -- was tremendous, I loved watching John and Vivian squabble at the Brady Pub. Vivian was just being vivacious Vivian, but it's not often that John's surly side comes out. In fact, I suspect he even enjoyed it a little. There was a certain grin I caught a time or two, but I digress.

While he maintained a certain level of respect for his "aunt" -- a beat which I love is still played --- he didn't mince words. He was not about her latest shenanigans. At all. Of course, I would have loved to watch them bicker and battle in a board room at Titan, but that little taste of John's sharp-tongued side was sheer perfection.

Best Comedic Scene Stealer: Sure, drama's nice. But comedy is, too, and this character always managed to tickle the funny bone!

Laurisa: Body and Soul
The soap within a soap was worth every second we spent with it. It gave tenured actors a chance to try on a new character and drive that character into complete camp. The easter egg names in the credits didn't hurt, either. Then, the show went the added mile to have characters reference it outside of this particular storyline. Turns out, when others are home sick in bed, they also find solace in watching daytime TV. This joke never got old, and I hope DAYS doesn't forget to bring it out from time to time.

Tony: Vivian Alamain
Louise Sorel is a legend for a reason. She stepped back into the role of Vivian like a boss and effortlessly stole the storyline. Louise has such a masterful way of embracing Vivian's eccentric Vivian-ness while somehow keeping the character on the ground. Mostly. Oh, Louise, we love you, and pretty, pretty please, visit again soon! Salem is not the same without you.

Best Tear-Jerker

Laurisa: The Finality of Victor's Death and His Funeral
We knew these scenes were coming six months ahead of time. But that didn't make it any easier to see character after character get up and eulogize our Titan. Victor was a complicated man, and I appreciated that the way characters remembered him wasn't always so consistently fondly. But the overall outpouring of appreciation for the character, the man and, really, the actor, was something that neither viewers nor our tear ducts will soon forget.

Tony: Roman Grieves for Abe
This simple scene hit all the feels at a time when there was an overabundance of boohoos. Of course, I cried about all things Victor and a lot during Abe's abduction. Steve and Jada reflecting on Marcus made me misty. No doubt, Ari Zucker and Dan Feuerriegel had me sobbing like a fool while watching Nicole and E.J. grieve. Still, Roman mourning his bestie while sitting alone on the docks was such an intimate, heartbreaking scene, and a peek behind Roman's tough guy veneer.

At that point, the former Commish had lost so much, and Abe's death was just a step too far. I get it. I remember back in the '80s when Roman looked a little more like Wayne Northrop than Chris Kositchek, but the one thing that has always remained the same is Roman's love and respect for his partner. While the news of the mayor's death was ultimately untrue, Josh Taylor did a truly tremendous job with the material. It will officially live rent free in my mind as one of my favorite, albeit melancholy, Roman memories. Here's a tissue, Ro-Ro. We won't tell anyone.

Best Surprise

Laurisa: Nicole's 25th Anniversary Celebration Episode
Wait, what?! Can we just stop to marvel at the thought of a true loner in Salem making it 25 years? She barely has any kids. (Sorry, Holly. I adore you, but you know, you've hardly been around at all.) She has no long-term relationships in Salem. Her longest marriage was to Victor. Let that one sink in. She doesn't have very many friends, save for Abe. Her siblings have made cameo appearances in Salem, at best. Yet, there she was. The ultimate survivor -- even among those who are unable to die -- celebrating her tenure in Salem. Well done, Nicole. And well noticed, DAYS.

Tony: One-Episode Welcome Homes!
Of course, we had a Dick van Dyke-sized stunner, and the return of the one and only Louise Sorel was a spectacular shock, but I was equally elated over the surprise returns of two of my favorite actors on the planet. Hello, Rachel Melvin! Hi there, Kassie de Pavia! I SO celebrated Chelsea's homecoming for Victor's funeral and Eve's Bayview cameo. It has been so long since we've last caught up with these lovely ladies, and I couldn't stop grinning. Some performers just touch your heart, and these two do that for me. Now, if we can just figure out how to lure both of them back on a permanent basis... hmm. Let's just say I'm not above bribing them with a 2024 "Best Debut" Golden Donut next year. Just saying.

Best Couple

Laurisa: Chloe Lane and Xander Cook
Did you know the chocolate chip cookie and the potato chip were both invented by accident? In the case of the potato chip, it was an intentional shot at failure. Yet both turned out to be delightful. That's how I felt about Xander and Chloe. Everything about them -- including the dialogue between the two of them -- acknowledged that this was a rebound relationship. Yet somewhere in the middle of dart games, beers, and comedy movies blossomed a relationship that was hard to find fault with. Their basic honesty was their charm -- so much so that when she was the one who told Xander the truth about Sarah's baby, I was a little shocked that they split. Usually keeping that secret is what breaks couples up. The fact that it happened the other way around here seemed unfair to a couple that, against the odds, was delightful.

Tony: Chanel Dupree and Johnny DiMera
There's something super about the coupling of Johnny and Chanel. They have an "it" factor, if you will. While they have many miles of dramatic trials and tribulations to go before they earn an official "supercouple" star on the soap walk of fame, they're headed in the right direction.

Of course, it all starts with the enchanting chemistry of wildly talented Raven Bowens and Carson Boatman. Their portrayal of Chanel and Johnny's connection seems so sincerely effortless. I fully believe these two characters love and, just as importantly, respect one another. They also not only bring out each other's best, but their support is always spot-on, too. They are relationships goals when at their best.

Oh, and I especially enjoy the twinkly excitement they both have in their eyes each time they see each other. It's like they're always in amazement of one another, and it sparks that relatable heartwarming feeling of just being in the presence of someone you adore, even if it's just for morning coffee or a movie night. All that and baked goods? Yes, please!

Best Legacy Character: Some love for the next generation who have to carry the banner!

Laurisa: Tate Black
Salem's already running a little bit over on the Axe Body Spray bros who have an abundance of confidence and not a whole lot of humility. But despite the way Tate entered Salem, he's proving to be the exception to the rule. He's an angsty teen, sure. But he lacks the bravado and chauvinism that comes across in some of his male counterparts. His crush on Holly, exhaustion with his parents, and general anxiety around a first real job are all very relatable traits that make this kid fun to watch. Also, I mean, his great-grandfather is Dick Van Dyke, so how can this kid not win a legacy award this year?

Tony: Paul Narita and Andrew Donovan
This might be another two winners for the price of one, but Paul is the son of one of Salem's most celebrated citizens (and the fab Tori, whom I hope we see again). Andrew is the son of a certified supercouple. Together and independently, these two didn't have copious amounts of screen time, but Christopher Sean and Colton Little were completely charming as Paul and Andrew this year. Their chemistry as a couple was sincere and sweet. I enjoyed that both characters had moments of vulnerability. They got to be each other's heroes, too! Their love story certainly echoed their parents' grand adventures and fighting to be with the one you love. In a pamphlet format rather than a lengthy romance novel, of course.

And, of course, having romance expert, constant cheerleader for all things cheerful, and uber proud PFLAG papa John step in to lend his ear, advice, and encouragement to both men was amazing, as well. John's words came from the heart and a place of understanding, but he never came across as overbearing. He was solely championing love for two men he loves, and it was Paul and Andrew who ultimately decided to make things work.

I'm also glad that Paul got to be someone's first choice! He's been "Not Will" and "Not Sonny" in relationships past. To see that he was the one and only fella that made Andrew's heart go pitter-patter was heartwarming, especially for a character who pretty much exudes sunshine. Yay, Paul!

Last we saw them together; they were all smiles and flourishing. Paul even got to introduce Andrew to his new grandfather (Dick van Dyke!), who was pleased to meet the man who made his grandson so happy. I loved this for them and hope we get to see more of "Pandrew" next year. They're legacy gentlemen with a bright future I hope isn't so brief in screen time in 2024!

Best Veteran Character

Laurisa: Justin Kiriakis
Oh, man, talk about the guy we wanted to group hug this year! He was the rock who steadied the family through Victor's death. Then, his world was turned upside down when he "lost" Alex as a son. Feel what you will about Alex, but Justin loves him, and our hearts ached when Justin's world broke apart for a bit. He's a bystander in the whole scheme, but he's the one we're rooting for the most to get a happily ever after. He earned it after this year.

Tony: E.J. DiMera
To be fair, sometimes Eej is the worst, BUT he's always the best at being the worst because he's helmed by the ever-impressive Dan Feuerriegel. I'm completely blown away by Dan's awesomeness on a daily basis. What a gift from the Acting Gods he's been for DAYS!

While Dan tackles E.J.'s rage and ruthlessness like the champ he is, this year, we saw a lot of growth in our Elvis Jr. He became more comfortable with his softer side and let people in. His growing brotherly bond with Chad warms my heart. (It doesn't hurt that Dan and Billy Flynn have superb sibling chemistry.) I adore his love for Susan. And I love his love for Nicole. He seems to be genuinely himself around her this time, faults and all, which is refreshing for a character that is typically buttoned up, somewhat surly, and rather regal. This all keeps E.J. a fascinating, powerful powder keg who's played to perfection by Dan.

Best Supporting Performer

Laurisa: Peter Porte as Dimitri Von Leuschner
Let's be honest. Peter Porte has had to play about six different versions of Dimitri, despite the fact that the character has neither evil twins nor a split personality. Yet Peter made us believe in each one of them. He was dastardly as Kate's maritime captor. He was delicious with his dear mother. He was charming with Gwen, until he was crazy for Leo. Then, he's sinister with E.J. and Sloan. The character is giving us whiplash, but darn it if Peter Porte isn't settling us into each twist with his fantastic performances.

Tony: Tamara Braun as Ava Vitali
If ever a wiz there was, Tamara is pure magic! Few thespians can keep as many balls in the air as the lovely Ms. Braun and make it look so effortless. Her ease at navigating Ava through extreme emotions and environments comes so naturally, and I'm in constant awe of the deep understanding she has of her character. At times, Ava's had to be as sinister and cunning as Clyde, she had to be the "crazier one" opposite Susan, and she is generally a battle-scarred, ex-mafioso, ex-psychiatric patient mom who simply wants to be loved and find peace in a chaotic world it seems she can't escape. Nope. Ava's never had it easy and rarely makes life easy for other Salemites, but Tamara turns every twist and turn into "Must See Streaming."

Best Lead Performer

Laurisa: Paul Telfer as Xander Cook
There was what, one week in November when Xander didn't have a secret hanging over his head? We watched this fella for a whole year, knowing that there was a life-changing secret that would turn his world upside down. And yet, none of our enjoyment on the screen hinged on the audience watching him finding out. We were too busy believing Xander was trying to do the right thing for Sarah by covering up his clownish actions. We bought that he was furious with Jack. We surprisingly enjoyed his relationship with Chloe. And we always cherished his scenes with Maggie. By the same token, we also kinda believed he couldn't change all the way and that demons would always find him.

Tony: James Reynolds as Abe Carver
At large, Abe's abduction was a grand old soapy -- and sometimes campy -- storyline, but at the heart of it was everyone's love for Abe, and James managed to keep that simple message alive, even in the wildest of moments. At times while Abe was in Nurse King's clutches, James didn't have copious amounts of dialogue, but what this amazing actor can do with a simple look is truly incredible. Some of Abe's helpless and confused expressions made me misty-eyed.

James also navigated Abe's ongoing recovery with determination and grace, guided by a set of boundaries that made him feel comfortable. It's not often we get to watch this process. Usually, there's some soapy moment when a character remembers all, but letting Abe go through without rushing gives James such beautiful material to work with.

We understand Paulina's frustrations, of course. She loves Abe as much as we do. Though anyone who's cared for a loved one with brain trauma knows it's a long, hard-fought battle, and sometimes the patient never fully recovers (if at all), but the light within reminds us they're the person we've loved all this time who might be just a bit different. James conveyed this beautifully.

Best Storyline

Laurisa: The Parent Entrapment: Sloan, Eric, Nicole, and E.J.
Sure, there were individual problems throughout and a few characters that will probably make appearances next week. But any storyline that kicks off with a drugged Nicole kicking up her leg and saying, "How's tricks, Sloanie-Bologna?" had me at the starting line.

The overall breadth and depth of this storyline is downright impressive. It's centered around three couples with passionate -- and even overlapping -- fan bases. Our hearts went out to each of them at different times. Angst is the main ingredient in Nicole and Eric's relationship, and we all knew that drugged romp was not unwanted by either party. But watching Sloan scheme to make sure that Nicole's baby didn't prove to be Eric's was a mix of fast talking and some dumb soap luck. Still, the deception was done in a way where none of the characters duped looked especially dumb.

Then, despite how I feel about Sloan normally, my heart broke for her when she lost her baby. No woman should have to go through that. At least, I think so. Sloan clearly didn't and decided she's fine with Nicole going through it because, hey, this lovely-locked lass has come this far with the lie. What's a little dead baby blackmail between friends?

Along the way, Greg Vaughn and Dan Feuerriegel gave exceptionally tender performances toward both Nicole and Sloan. E.J.'s heartfelt treatment of Nicole in recent weeks makes me downright reconsider my Ericole alliance. (Not change it, but I thought about it for a hot second.) And pulling in Kayla, Marlena, Roman, Holly, Johnny, and Chad as confidant roles in all the right places really made this storyline sing. Normally, all we do is wait for secrets to come out. In this case, the how it comes out and the why it hasn't yet is just as interesting!

Tony: A Robicheaux Redux Re-Do
From the moment Dick van Dyke's "Mystery Man" was wheeled into University Hospital, there was a joy that radiated on the screen. Did John need yet another history revamp? Typically, I'd say, "No," but this one landed.

It's been said that every reveal about John's past kept getting worse for him. That's not wrong. At all. The hits kept coming, and none of them were platinum. It was all doom, gloom, and Yo Ling. Not the best tune for our heroic Agent Black.

At his core, John is a good guy. He's an optimist. He's our hero. He's our ally armed with dad jokes and day drinking. He'll make you feel loved with one of his warm "kiddos." He wears his heart on his sleeve, and his pride in his loved ones is unmatched. For John to finally spin the wheel and land on a "Great Father Jackpot" was a moment to celebrate.

And it really was joyous! I'm still grinning about the combined adorableness of Timothy, John, and Paul. Dick, Drake Hogestyn, and Christopher Sean are one believable lineage. They're all cut from the same cheerful, charming cloth.

The pieces of the storyline also fit. Yo Ling remained a monster, and Timothy became a hero. It additionally answered another "DAYS Mystery" when Julie updated us that Uncle Tommy Horton had passed. Oh, yeah! And Doug and Julie got some screen time to sing and dance with Timothy. It was sensational!

In the end, John is jubilant over his latest and greatest (and hopefully final), paternity bombshell. Timothy is happy at his new swinging pad where we know "Musical Mondays" are a thing in the common areas. And I still get the warm fuzzies over that new family photo Andrew took. Cheers to happy days!

Parting Thoughts...

So, friends and fellow DAYS fans, those are your 2023 Golden Donut Awards winners! We sincerely appreciate you spending time with us today, and every week. It warms us that we're all part of the same DAYS community. The DAYS family. Even for writers, it's hard sometimes to put into words what your support and kinship means to us, but to quote Tina again, we think you're all "simply the best."

If you'd like to keep the Team DAYS party bus going, you can also cruise down memory lane with some other positive posts we did this year. In August, we presented The Golden Donut Hole Awards: Best of DAYS 2023 (So Far!), and just last month, we swooned over even more reasons to love the "Salem Life" in "These are a few of our favorite things..." Of course, we could have endless celebrations for DAYS, but...

Alas, it can't be all boasting and bragging about how brilliant DAYS is. So, next week, join us for the Seventeenth Annual Alex North Memorial Awards: The Worst of DAYS 2023. We will try to be nicer to the naughtier side of Salem's storylines and special residents than they were to us this year. Try.

Until then, let's keep focusing on the positive! The comment section below, the Soap Central message boards, and our X accounts are all ready to be flooded with reasons you love Team DAYS, too. We can't wait to hear them!

Happy Holidays to one and all,
Laurisa and Tony

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